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Posts posted by RGmacy

  1. I'm off minoxidil oral for a year now and the final shed is still occuring. It does kill your frontal hairline when you stop, hands down I'm way worse than when started. No research on the net will tell you that, lucky peeps like us just get to figure it out on our own. Make sure you take multiviatmins to account for missing nutrients in your diet and take an omega 3 supp. It's helping for me. Use a topical rogaine when you feel like shit and just need to feel like you're doing something proactive, then watch the next few days as you loose more hairs because you applied topical. Just my .02


    stay away from biotin based products also

  2. Also to note, as of recent I tried 5000mg biotin supplements while off oral Minox and that gave me a more excessive shed. Yikes, so I'd advise against hair and nail supps, at least for me that biotin shed was harsh with no regrowth. Now my only regimen is an Omega 3 supplement and a multivitamin.. Morning and shower time hair loss has reduced by about 50% but I'm still loosinig. Hair loss sucks, in my opinion there is no healthy way to restore hair which seems sad but true (enter Metallica song)

  3. *PLZ read


    I had asked my GP about trying to switch from my daily hypertension medication (10mg lisinoptil with a built in diuretic) to Minoxidil 5mg to not only combat my elevated blood pressure but help my hair wich had been receding for the last few years and had become a concern to me (I'm 35).


    I stated by taking 5mg minoxidil and maintaining my regular Lisinopril. I monitor my BP about 8 times per day to make sure they aren't interacting too hard. i always took the meds in the morning. I started noticing on certain days that after laying on the couch watching a movie at night before bed, I'd check my pressure and it would be dangerously low. 90/40 on more than 1 occasion. That's serious danger. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND anyone on this med get a BP monitor and check religiously. The REAL side effects of Minoxidil arent a uni-brow or back hair, they are things like liaisons on your heart or kidneys, things you can't see without a EKG or CAT scan. SERIOUS STUFF! BE VERY CAREFUL!!!


    After the low bp I had tried combining 2.5mg Minox with Lisinopril i maintained that for most of the year that I was on Minoxidoil. i also tried minox alone but to treat hypertension it did not have a lasting effect and gave very many irregular heartbeats. After 4-6 hours my bp almost seemed higher than normal.


    Due to the monthly/bi monthly shed periods I felt it wasn't wort the risk of further internal damage so I ceased use completely. A year after stopping minoxidil it's fair to say it has killed about 20% of my prior to treament growth, meaning my hair has never looked thinner, lots of loss on top and in the frontal section of forehead. That's what it ate up most, the frontal hair line after stopping. Like I said, I've been off for a year now and have had the heaviest shedding from month 8-12. These days even just running my fingers through my hair I get 6-8 hairs that just fall out. Never in my past has my hair been so frail, scarce and patchy like it is now.


    I will say it works though, the thing is YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE or you will go through a terrible final shed leaving you much worse than when you started.


    I still have a 3 months supply so I'm considering 2.5mg twice a week, again, I understand now I'd have to be doing this for life so limiting intake *might* work for me. I'm still unsure if I want to get back on the oral menox but man it has TORN my hair line up bad after being off for a year and I kinda feel like it's the only thing that will help me aesthetically. As far as internal organs go, I'm hoping that low of a dose would help the LOSS of hair, maybe even if it doesnt grow new growth like a full strength dose that would be fine, i'm almost affraid this final shed is never going to end. Maintaining proper organ functions is most important overall though so people PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE INTERNAL RISKS THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS. ESPECIALLY TO YOUR HEARTS CONDITIONS AND FUNCTIONS, KIDNEY AND LIVER CYSTS, STUFF LIKE THAT. the sides are way deeper than a puffy face.



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