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Posts posted by MP2015

  1. Hello, I had my hair transplant 8 days ago to lower my hair line. I was wondering if it's okay to go out and have a few drinks(10 ish, mostly beer) with some friends tonight.


    Also wondering about wearing a hat, it's a flexfit Hurley hat if that helps so it's not loose but not super tight either.


    Thanks in advance for your help, I just don't want to jeopardize my HT as I have spent a lot of money on it.

  2. Hello everyone,


    This is my first post here, I have tried to find threads about Dr. Gillespie and only found a few but they were not very helpful. I had a consultation with him a while back and he was very informative and I am planning on having the surgery in a few months. I was just wondering if anyone here has had the surgery and what the results and overall experience was like?


    Thanks, Have a great day!

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