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Posts posted by Kiran0078

  1. Hi, Talking about hair diffusing we need to know the age and from what state particular person has started losing their hair, as you have described your case and seeking for hair transplantation. But looking at your images and through the proper analysis Hair transplantation can be done with proper surgeon. There are several risks regarding it like the risk factor for your permanent hair.


    Several medications like Propecia and or Rogaine will help to strengthen your hair life ; talking about donor, if you are having good donor then you can prefer hair transplantation with more secure parameter. Other options like Scalp Micro pigmentation but for that you need to have a proper medical consultation

  2. Hi, Talking about hair diffusing we need to know the age and from what state particular person has started losing their hair, as you have described your case and seeking for hair transplantation. But looking at your images and through the proper analysis Hair transplantation can be done with proper surgeon. There are several risks regarding it like the risk factor for your permanent hair.


    Several medications like Propecia and or Rogaine will help to strengthen your hair life ; talking about donor, if you are having good donor then you can prefer hair transplantation with more secure parameter. Other options like Scalp Micro pigmentation but for that you need to have a proper medical consultation

  3. Hi, Sorry for responding you so late. There are versatile advice can be given on this kind of queries. Well it varies according to the condition after the hair transplantation immediately. Some Hair doctors have the firm advice that forehead & facial swelling sometimes associated with hair transplantation truly arises the second or third day after the procedure. Many Hair restoration specialists believe that the particular patient should visit the clinic after the procedure for post operative wash & checkup and then go home.

    Either way, most hair loss physicians do not believe in change in the environment likely the pressure and elevation associated with flying cause any excessive bleeding or hair damage to the new grafts. My advice would be like suppose a patient want to travel immediately after the hair transplantation they can do it with keeping mind overall condition of hair possession.

  4. Hi, It totally varies with the hair restoration technique that you have adopted likely in FUE or FUT respectively. Well, If you have done FUT Hair transplant procedure then on an average the yield of FUT grafts is around 1.5 – 2.4 hair per graft where as the yield with FUE can be in 1.7-3.2 hair per graft respectively.Talking about FUE hair restoration the average yield between 1.9-2.5 hair grafts however more recently the average graft yield has been 2.6-3.2 hair per graft. I would personally like to consider that the increase in the yield has been improved with these respective techniques.

  5. Hi, Talking about uses of shampoo means the dandruff which is the result of dry scalp or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. There are several reasons of causing this such as eczema, psoriasis or very commonly, an overgrowth of yeast like fungus namely malassezia.

    So to have a healthy hair we can go for the most reliable tips which is even available in the home practices

    Tea tree oil: 5 % tea tree oil is significant improvise the severity of dandruff.

    Baking soda : Apply handful baking soda on your wet hair vigorously into your scalp skip shampoo & go right to rinsing.

    These are the natural tips for prevention of hair dandruff and get rid of most of the hair itchiness !

    Hopefully this tips are useful to you!

  6. Distinguishing both the treatments I have posted pros and cos FUT and FUE to make you comfortable to adopt hair transplantation procedure :

    Follicular units in FUE are harvested from a much greater area of the donor zone compared to FUT

    In FUT, all the hair is harvested from the mid-portion of the donor area where the hair is most permanent. This is done to maximize the yield of high quality grafts from the permanent zone. In FUE, to obtain a sufficient number of grafts, follicular units must also be extracted from the upper and lower portions of the donor region and these may not be as permanent. Therefore, over time, the hair transplanted from these areas to other parts of the scalp may be lost

    Over time, continued thinning in the upper and lower parts of the donor zone may cause the FUE scars to become visible

    Graft quality is not as good compared to FUT *

    Greater rate of follicular transection (damage to grafts) compared to FUT

    Grafts more fragile and subject to trauma during placement, because extracted grafts often lack the protective dermis and fat of microscopically dissected grafts

    More difficult to capture the entire follicular unit – resulting in lower density

    * This disadvantage is minimized with Robotic FUE


    The maximum follicular unit graft yield is lower than with FUT

    Lower quality grafts may not grow as well

    Inability to harvest all the hair from the mid-permanent zone results in decreased numbers of grafts

    The scarring and distortion of the donor scalp from FUE makes subsequent FUE sessions more difficult

    Long-term, if the donor area narrows, the scarring may become visible

    Both FUT and FUE produce donor scarring; FUT, in the form of a line and FUE in the shape of small, round dots. With FUT, the line is placed in the mid-portion of the permanent zone and in FUE the dots are scattered all over the donor area. If a patient becomes extensively bald (i.e. the donor fringe becomes very narrow), the line of FUT will generally still remain hidden, whereas the dots of FUE will be seen above the fringe of hair. In the less likely scenario of the donor hair actually thinning significantly, both the line (of FUT) and the dots (of FUE) may become visible.

  7. Hi, talking about FUE :Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is one of the methods for getting giver hair for hair transplantation Donor Site: The Savings and Loan of Hair Transplantation. FUE is a system Hair Follicular Units that requires more aptitude from the doctor hair rebuilding pro and more cost from the patient than the procedure of strip reaping (evacuation of a portion of scalp tissue bearing many follicular units). It is likewise a procedure with potential advantage for the patient in less giver site scarring, albeit little spotted scars may show up at locales of follicular unit extraction. On the off chance that specialized advances in FUE instruments make the system aggressive with strip gathering in the quantity of in place follicles that can be gathered per session, FUE may turn into a technique of decision for more patients Comparison Between Strip Harvesting and Follicular Unit Extraction: A Fair and Balanced View.

    FUE is a more up to date strategy than strip collecting. At this very moment, so did the improvement of instruments for collecting follicular units (FUs)- - specialized advancement from the first manual instruments, to all the more actually modern, mechanically or electronically-helped instruments, to the most recent improvement of a mechanical FUE gadget.

    The Follicular Unit (FU) and FUE

    Follicular unit (FU) is a term that describes how scalp hair normally grows. Scalp hair is not evenly distributed across the scalp like corn in a cornfield. It grows in clusters of follicles, little islands of one to four follicles on a plane of scalp skin. Each FU has a distinct anatomic and physiologic identity, and a micro-environment of cells, nerves and blood vessels.

    Strip harvesting of donor hair takes a strip of scalp tissue bearing hundreds of FUs for use in transplantation. The FUs in the harvested strip may or may not be transplanted as FUs; the FUs may be divided into individual follicles for transplantation.

    FUE removes one FU at a time, targeting the FUs that appear most likely to thrive and produce hair in a transplant recipient site.

    This is the information regarding FUE with FU in detail. Hopefully its useful for you.

    Thank you!

  8. Hi, First and foremost thing you need to understand is that Results in Pain, trauma - these are actually dependant on the physician handling the case not technique. Both these techniques are just methods of taking out grafts.


    Second, looking at your riddle regarding FUE and FUT; the most considering choice about cosmetic density you want. With FUE you can undergo up to 2200-2500 grafts in one sitting and achieve a moderate density overall, whereas with FUT + FUE, you can get more no of grafts and achieve a better density.


    So, you should consult a experienced surgeon who does not do only one kind of technique but advises you what is best in your interest.

  9. New hair growth will only break through the skin at three to four months after the procedure. However, it will take at least six to eight months for the new hair to make any significant cosmetic difference to your appearance.

    Although a full result may take as long as 18 months to be achieved, most will attain this at 12 to 14 months. Sometimes, a result may take longer to show when working with scars or filling in a previously transplanted area.

    It usually take the first post op review around 8 months, and explain that this is phase 1, and review again for a near full result at 1 year. There are many factors that can make the growth come sooner or much later, and patience is extremely important!

  10. Hi, Talking about dandruff which is the result of dry scalp or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. There are several reasons of causing this such as eczema, psoriasis or very commonly, an overgrowth of yeast like fungus namely malassezia.

    So to prevent hair dandruff problems we can go for the most reliable tips which is even available in the home practices

    Tea tree oil: 5 % tea tree oil is significant improvise the severity of dandruff.

    Baking soda : Apply handful baking soda on your wet hair vigorously into your scalp skip shampoo & go right to rinsing.

    These are the natural tips for prevention of hair dandruff and get rid of most of the hair itchiness !

    Hopefully this tips are useful to you!

  11. Hi, We all know many people think about preventing hair loss only after they have lost many of it. But if you start early taking care of your hair like if you are aware for hair loss then it can be prevent up to the great extent. Like there are many easy and reliable steps mentioned below

    Follow a healthy lifestyle: Eating fruits & Vegetables which certainly contain vitamin B, Iron, Calcium and zinc have especially been linked to healthy hair. Always consume a protein rich diet where we all know hair is made by protein fibre & Drink adequate water.

    Hair transplantation: The Instantaneous change!

    Avoid things bad for your hair : If you wanted to have the instantaneous prevention of hair loss then go for Hair transplantation with a proper online medical counselling at metro cities which can provide you the significant services regarding your hair baldness issues.

    Adopt simple home treatment : You can adopt the home hair treatments which contains the procedures like Making the a paste of henna, curd, soaked and ground fenugreek, ground hibiscus flowers, ground gooseberries, and egg (all of them or any one) and apply it onto the hair and scalp for about an hour before shampooing. Done regularly, this will make your hair stronger and better-looking. But remember that henna is suitable only for dark colour hair because it tints hair red

    I hope this advice would be useful for you. Thank you!

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