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Posts posted by frankwaitforit

  1. Hi everybody,

    I’d like to share my FUE transplant experience with you guys, as in the past two years, although I never wrote anything, I’ve been reading a lot about your posts, your opinion, and you’ve helped me knowing something about my hairloss problem, you’ve all helped me considering having non surgical treatment transplants or a transplant and who to ask for it. I sincerely hope that this post can help anyone that currently is in the same situation I was at the beginning of my journey.

    I am nearly 31 years old and my hair loss started when I was 24, with a huge worsening in the last year, that’s why I decided to enquire few clinics all over the world about my situation and a possible transplant, and at the end I decided to go for a 3000 graft FUE with Prohairclinic in Belgium.

    I only used Finasteride in 2009 but I quit after 6 months due to its side effects and lately I started using Minoxidil to try to prevent a little the shock loss after the operation.

    All the communication with Bart has been great during the whole pre-operation period and he always answered to every question I had.

    The clinic is in Berlaar, you can reach it in half an hour by train from Antwerp, at first impression it looks like being a normal belgian house but when you go inside it’s a proper clinic, modern, clean and absolutely well equipped. I’ve been treated for 2 days (June 22-23 2015) by a team of amazing women, they were always gentle and caring asking me if I was fine and I was feeling pain.

    To be honest the only painful moment of the operation was when they were putting the anesthetic on my head, but the rest was absolutely smooth and I actually slept throughout the whole treatment.

    About the post-op I can say that it has been difficult to sleep in the same position for 2 nights but what is very annoying is the swelling that came the day after the operation, although I knew it would’ve happened and Bart and Sabine warned me about it.

    I am aware that the hardest part is yet to come, but I feel already better with myself and I think that’s the most important thing!









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