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Posts posted by Carlene

  1. Thanks, Lorenzo. I was thinking the same thing. Our relationship might not go further if he has that hidden from me all the time.


    The other day we were having lunch and his phone rang. He was seated across the table from me but I can read upside down and his caller id said "Hair Club for Men". He looked at his phone and turned off the screen. I casually asked who it was and he said, "This guy from work. I'll call him back later."


    The little white lie, quite frankly, is starting to turn me off. His hair issue does not bother me at all. It's his deep insecurity which is bothering me. And sometimes I'm beginning to wonder what else he is hiding from me.


    Maybe I'm not so understanding and compassionate after all. :(

  2. I guess that's the general consensus then...I should just leave it alone. I'm quite surprised about this. I thought most of you would advise me on gently bringing up the topic. Boy, was I wrong. It's a good thing I asked or I might have made a big mistake.


    Badbeat........don't feel bad about outing him. I agree with you that he should have been more transparent considering how he has shared everything with me -- from his childhood, his shocking teen misadventures, his contentious divorce. His hair transplant, or his hairpiece.... whatever....it's of no consequence to me. Unfortunately, you may be right about him being quite insecure. Frankly, I do not understand that since he is very attractive, very fit, is intelligent, has a great career, etc.


    Bertie....it's true that I would compliment him on his hair every time he had a haircut. But at the same time, I would also make comments about how sexy I find Bruce Willis and Jason Statham. I'm not just saying that to "coax" him. I really do find those men quite hot.


    Joe Tillman...thanks for telling it to me straight. I shall just leave him alone then and wait for him tell me about it if and when he ever feels comfortable enough to do so. I guess that means I can never touch his hair. This is the difficult part for me since I always like touching my man's hair when I feel affectionate. :(

  3. Thank you everyone for your replies. I sincerely appreciate it.


    MagnumPi....I have complimented him on his hair many times to make him feel secure but I guess he's still not secure enough with me. :(


    Badbeat, I just assumed he has hair transplant. If it was a hairpiece, then it is incredibly natural looking. In his old photo, he had no hair on the front and on the crown but had thick hair on the back and sides. Now he has full hair.


    Spanker, when I said his hair felt strange to the touch....I meant to say his scalp. The actual hair feels fine...just like regular hair. But when I briefly touched the front of his scalp once, the roots felt like straw and like it had knots in it - almost like how a doll's head would feel. It's the only way I can describe it. I don't know if this means anything but once, after he showered, I noticed tiny white balls on the hair roots near his scalp. I was about to ask him what that was but I was afraid to embarrass him so I had to stop myself. Can any of you tell me what that would be?


    Rawkerboi, we are not living together. We are just dating. If we were living together and he still has not told me, I would feel very hurt.


    What are concealers? It looks like I have a lot to learn.


    Now that my curiosity has been piqued....I wonder if it's a hairpiece or hair transplant. Not that it matters either way but I am curious. Can you shampoo and blowdry hairpiece while wearing it? I've seen him blowdrying his hair after a shower.


    Thanks again to everyone who has replied.

  4. Hi. I don't have a hair loss problem but I joined because this is the best community to ask my question.


    I have been a dating a man for over a year now. I found out by accident that he had hair transplant years before I met him. It does not bother me in the least. Even without a full head of hair, I still care deeply for him.


    Unbeknownst to him, I discovered that he had hair transplant because I saw old photos of him on his friend's facebook page. He, himself, is not on Facebook so he probably has no idea that an old photo of him pre-transplant is available online.


    I have always wondered why he would not let me touch his head during our moments of intimacy. He would always gently brush my hand away. I thought he just didn't want his hair to be messed up. The first time I touched his scalp briefly I thought it felt strange but I didn't say anything.


    I would really really like him to just come out and tell me about it. It's not going to change my feelings for him. We have shared a lot of secrets in our past and I'm waiting for him to one day tell me about his hair but for some reason, he is not forthcoming about it. Should I just tell him upfront that I know about it and that he has nothing to worry about? Or would that be cause for great embarrassment?


    Can the men here please explain to me why you would find it difficult to tell a woman you've been dating for over a year about this? How would you react if your girlfriend told you that she knows and that it doesn't bother her? Will you be relieved or will it somehow change your relationship and not feel as confident with her anymore?


    Incidentally, I revealed to him that I had a nose job when I was in my 30s. I even showed photos of him before my surgery. I thought that this would encourage him to also tell me about his hair but he never did. Should I just leave it alone? Please advise.

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