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Posts posted by barracuda9

  1. Makes sense..I appreciate the info. I'm gonna try to have them just shave what needs to be shaved in the hairline and comb the rest forward. It sure won't be an attractive hairstyle but def better then me w/a buzzed head. Got to be back to work 1 week post-op. Anyways, looking forward to your next update Spidey.

  2. Spidey,

    I will be having a similar FUE procedure coming up in about a month and plan to keep my hair long. I am wondering if any of your hairline was shaven during the procedure or was it left exactly as is? I know some docs will want to shave a centimeter or two into the hairline to get a better visual of the scalp and surrounding hair. From your pics it doesn't look like it but I just wanted to be sure. I don't know what to expect. Thanks and great write-up! Your hair rocks!

  3. Thanks for the response. I've decided to go with Dr. Konior. Through a virtual consult he said that he could do this fue hairline procedure with my hair long on top and shaved on the sides. I have a date set for early July. Shaving the entire head makes sense for a larger procedure but with only 1200-1400 grafts in the frontal hairline region I wouldn't think that would be necessary. Thoughts?

  4. I plan on getting a 1200-1400 fue transplant this summer to my hairline but I have 1 major problem. I have to be back to work 7 days post-op and I can't wear a hat. My plan is to keep my hair on top fairly long (around 3-4 inches) and shave the back and sides (military cut). However, my question is can I apply dermmatch over my entire donor zone (back and sides) to cover up potential redness? Will this damage/prevent the growth in my donor zone? I will not be placing any dermmatch on the recipient site which is my hairline. So basically, I'll attempt to comb my hair forward to cover up the recipient zone (hairline) redness and use dermmatch to cover up donor zone redness. Has anyone done this before? Thanks.

  5. Thank you guys for your helpful responses. I also think it's reasonable given my conservative goals. I feel better that we're on the same page. I am in the process of getting a bunch of online consults. Dr. Rahal recommended 1800 grafts and I am still waiting on the rest. I did do an in person consult w a local doc not from this site and he said I was a good candidate and he recommended 1000 grafts. MusolnOz, was your procedure to your hairline as well and did you opt for fue or fut. I'm having a tough time picking between the two. Thanks.

  6. I am 27yo and considering a ht sometime in the next 6-10 months. My hair started to recede when I was around 20yo and by 21 I started 1mg propecia and 5% rogaine foam (along the hairline). Since then, my hair has been fairly stable with the exception of mild thinning along the hairline and temples. I haven't noticed any hairloss anywhere else. I would classify myself as being close to a NW3 with a naturally high hairline. My dad didn't start losing hair until his 60s and some uncles on his side range from NW2-4. My mom's side is another story: I have one uncle around NW5 and another around NW7. I did a lot of research and almost got a ht when I was 23yo but came to my senses and waited. It's now 4 years later (27yo) and I am considering getting either an FUE or FUT procedure to solidify a mature hairline. I don't want to lower my hairline much because I want it to still look good in 30-40 years. I'm not sure which procedure would be best for me. I am considering Dr. Konior, Shapiro, Rahal, Lindsey, or Feller. The reason I am posting this is becasue I am worried about the uncertanties of getting a ht at such a young age (i.e. what if I am genetically destined to progress to NW7?). Is it reasonable to get a ht in my situation? Any advice would be appreciated. I want a ht because my hairloss definitely affects my confidence. Thanks.

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