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Posts posted by Turner

  1. my point was that this clinic is being singled out, but so many other clinics engage in this behavior and get away with it, that's why we shouldn't focus as consumers on just this one clinic, this change should be demanded from the industry as a whole.


    Every clinic in that region follows the same procedure. The doctors are not hands on the whole procedure. I also had consultations with two other clinics prior to my surgery and both clinics told me that the doctor will supervised the extraction and will implant the front line himself. There is no way that one person can do all the extractions and implantation's himself. It's just impossible. I believe Paleo here is determined in his vendetta against the doctor and doing his best burying him but believe me, the state of mind this guy is in, It would have been any other doctor he would have gone to. Sadly Dr Hakan was the one to take the case and now pay the price. This has turned into a shit show and the whole thread has turned into Paleo's " detective work " in attacking the doctor, which has nothing to do with his medical personal case. By the way Paleo, what happened to your redness that you have 15 pages complaining about ?? Is it gone now just like everyone else told you to ??

  2. Your question already has its answer in paleocapa89's initial testimony, in a crystal clear english:


    paleocapa89 said:


    Thank you for pointing me to that thread in crystal clear english but since that thread makes it obvious that Paleo saw all these red flags about the doctor and since the doctor was very poor on evaluating him, why did he go through on having the procedure with this particular doctor ?? If you look at the recommendation list of the doctors above, Doctor Hakan is not the only one. There is plenty of other doctors. Right ??

  3. "and him playing detective thread after thread"


    No one is playing here, dude. That's serious stuff. Do you get that?


    And it's not about being unhappy as It's not a subjective matter, but an objective one.


    Ok "dude" I know it is a serious "stuff" since I went through it myself. But since it is a serious "stuff" don't you think it should have been researched prior to going for the surgery and not after ??

  4. Are any patients due to see Dr Dogagnay soon? Any reconsidering?


    I am one of the patients that saw Dr Hakan in April 30 of this year and let me tell you, if I had to do it all over again, I will go right back to him. This thread is beating a dead horse over and over again. Paleo here had a bad experience and is unhappy with the results. So he came here with his concerns. That is what the forum is for but when you go on reading the 27 pages of his thread, and him playing detective thread after thread, I don't think he would have been happy with any doctor. Unfortunately Dr Hakan was the one to pay the price for the OP's unstable mental state at the time and the present. I think the OP rushed into getting the HT since he was panicking and that happens to all of us but then to come back and say that it was the doctors fault for getting his surgery, that's just not fair. Doctor was paid to do the HT and that's what he did. This again, it may not be what Paleo likes to hear but I believe that this is the truth.

  5. This thread continues to go nowhere. Forum Mods need to take some control here. Gather the info, make an informed decision.


    I agree. This is a joke now where we have Mr Sherlock Holmes investigating the youtube videos and pics.



    Let me ask you a simple question. From reading your thread, this doctor seems to be horrible and don't have any happy patients. What made you go with him ??

  6. I understand that for the community and for prospective patients the most important fact is that different technicians are doing all the extraction and a major part of the incisions as well. And this leads quality issues.


    However, for me the fact that I was not assessed and informed is just as important. After all, I could have avoided this whole situation if I were assessed properly. I understand people are getting tired of this aspect of the dispute, however it was questioned whether I tell the truth and I have to defend myself. Now Muslum and the clinic try to depict me as someone who was informed and warned not to have a HT but I insisted, and they had a bad feeling about this from the start, Let me quote his email response when I asked them on what bases did they consider me an eligible patient:




    To sum up, this is what I got for my money:

    - got "assessed" by a sales rep and by assessed I mean we looked at pictures of my dad and brother

    - 100% of extraction done by nurses

    - 35% of implantation done by nurses

    - 65% of implantation done by Dr Doganay


    One could argue that only the result counts, but I am still lacking on that department as well...




    You came in here blaming the doctor for not telling you that you did not need an HT since your family history and on how you had not done enough research. But you failed to mention that you already had gone in two different clinics for consultation and a third one with Dr Hakan. If you were unhappy with the prior visit since supposedly the representative was the only one to talk to you, why did you go back to Dr Hakan ?? Answer that. Not to mention, that from what I have been reading on these 27 pages so far, it seems to me that you are not the kind of person that does not do any research. In fact with your time in hands and the mind set you seem to have, you are quiet the opposite. So stop with that bullshit blaming others for your own decision.

    You also said that the doctor would not operate on you and he demanded the money first. That is also bullshit since them people NEVER ASKED ME ONCE FOR THE MONEY !! All I had to show was a copy of my purchased ticket. Which I emailed to them and that's how my date was booked.

    Now you are saying that you are lacking results ?? Since you are very good at searching, why don't you search on how long it does take to achieve full results ?? Or ask in here ??How do you know that in only 5 months time you do not have the desired results ??

    Like I said before you need to take some time off instead of sitting in front of the computer and obsessing.


    At the end of the day, I do blame the doctor for taking your case. If he didn't, you would have been another doctor's headache right now !!



    If you need my info please PM me and I am more than happy to provide it to you.

  7. There's no need to call names. I did not call you a liar, I simply stated that the two photos had different time tags so you probably didn't took them just for me. One was taken at 15.23 your time and the other one was taken at 17.01 your time.


    Anyway, at least you are not living in Turkey and you clearly manage your own account. I am glad that you are happy with your results, but why are you still here attacking me? I am sorry if I offended you but you have to understand that after all the things that came up about the clinic I am more suspicious and harder to trust anyone.


    Yes you did call me a liar and a fake. I came in here after reading about your experience and tried to help you as much as I could since I have been through it and know how it feels. But you are out for revenge and not thinking straight. Not everyone is your enemy. Like I told you on my first post, take a break and clear your head. You need it. Take a hobby and keep busy till at least 8-9 months have gone by and then you come back and state your case since clearly right now your credibility is being questioned. By sitting at the computer and analyzing every thread, you will loose your mind worse than you already have. I personally never said that I was happy or unhappy with the results. But I know better than to come here after 6 months of surgery and bash a doctor.


    I call the moderators to not let this go any further and reopen it at the year mark since the OP is very disturbed at the moment and it's not fair to continue bashing the doctor till the end results are achieved. Any questions, you are more than welcome to pm me.

  8. Turner,

    your story does not mach with the facts that those photos have different time tags in their exif information. You clearly didn't take those photos just for me.


    Yes moron is the time change we had last night in US. How about the other pics I took for you with a note stating the date and the forum name ?? With the same shirt as yesterday ?? You clearly have mental issues my friend. You do not need HT you need a Psychologist. I do blame the doctor for doing the surgery on someone not stable as yourself. Feel free to challenge me if you want on my lying.

  9. Here comes the newly registered Doganay patients. All with similar stories, writing style and English skills. I asked the previous one whether he really took those photos on his iPhone just for me, as he stated, because the file names clearly show that those photos were taken earlier. Now another Doganay patient shows up to defend the clinic. .



    You are not thinking clearly my friend. Now you are accusing me for putting pictures up from a different date and being paid by the clinic to post here. That's not cool. Yes I took those pics yesterday for you so you did not think it was suspicious. I am sorry that my photography skills are not that great but they are taken with a Blackberry Z10 and not a professional camera. The first 2 pictures show clearly that the pics I took yesterday were in fact taken yesterday but to please you even more, I took two more pics today with a note to prove that they were taken today. Hope that pleases your doubting personality. As far as my My " English" writing skills go, they are just that, since I live in US and can't be any other way. By the way check this post out. It's my HT experience at the time that was done. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/179507-dr-hakan-doganay-fue-2230-grafts.html Is that fake as well ??? I am sorry for not having more posts but after all, I do have a life and do not sit home all day in front of the computer. I do expect an apology from you for calling me a liar.







  10. Hey Turner,


    how is your growth coming in? could you share some recent pictures on your own thread? Or you can emai me as welI. I am very concerned because I am approaching 5 month and I have barely any regrowth.


    I am glad if you are happy with your results, but I am yet to see the "thousands of satisfied expatients" of Dr Hakan Doganay. Do you know them, or why are you reason with them so liberally? Their results seem more like a hit or miss to me. In fact to me it seems all the great results are coming from the clinic itself not from the actual patients.


    "At the end of the day there is no guarantees on any HT's" - this is a very disturbing statement coming from an expatient. Would you state the same if you got a very bad result? It is more like a statement used by reps to downplay the doctors' responsibility after the operation.


    In terms of second chances I have to disagree with you. If the provided evidence shows unethical and unprofessional behavior, I do not think a second chance should be given, it would not be fair towards the botched expatients or the other doctors in this site who are continuously prove their professionalism and high standards of ethics.


    Here is few pics I just took for you....I just turned 6 months yesterday so I am not expecting full growth yet. I am being patient and waiting for the 12 month mark. I was told by doc Doganay to jump on the propecia/finasteride right after the surgery and was actually provided with some at the hospital. I have also been doing minoxidil once a day. Right before I go to sleep at night time.


    As far as thousands patients, trust me, there are. He does two people a day and for as long as he's been doing it, you do the math :)


    I stand by my statement as there is no guarantees on any HT. Everyone here will tell you that. There is so many factors that are involved. One of the most important factors is the individual itself. There is not two people that are the same as far as hair, skin type goes and etc...If you do a search I am sure there will be plenty of info on the all different factors that are involved.


    As far as the second chance goes, I do agree with you but I also know that there is plenty of clinics out there that will not give you the time of the day once you have completed the surgery. From what I read, the doctor above will perform the surgery again and it's been times where a full refund has been given. In my book that is excellent customer service.





  11. Paleo,


    I understand where you coming from and I am sure that majority of us on this forum have been to where you are now, at some point in their journey. I am also a patient of Dr Doganay and personally have nothing but great things to say about him. Even though it's only been exactly 6 months from my surgery ( April 30th ) and can not really comment on the results yet, I do believe that he deserves a second chance. We only hear of those 15 - 20 bad experiences but let's not forget the other thousands of good ones. At the end of the day there is no guarantees on any HT's and we all know that but what really counts is that this doctor has offered to make good on every single complaint and to me that speaks volume care after the fact service. If I was you, I would just try to keep busy meantime and wait it out since it is still early. Once the year mark comes then you reevaluate your results and take it from there. I would also recommend you jump on some Finasteride just like everyone here says. It will help with what you have. Of course this is only my opinion and believe me I do not work for the doctor :)

  12. Guys, I just wanted to give everybody an update. Given all of the information I have received, in large part thanks to Paleo, I have been seriously considering discontinuing Dr. Doganay's recommendation. The fact that there are so many patients who have reported poor growth and other issues suggesting possible misuse of our and other forums, the evidence is overwhelming and highly concerning.


    That said, I actually had sent an email to the clinic letting them know that we are going to discontinue their recommendation. However, I received a very polite response from the clinic asking for a chance to explain and defend themselves before we make a final decision. after considering it further, I think it's only fair to give the clinic a chance to explain what might be going on that caused so many cases of poor growth and also explain the possible forum misuse.


    At the end of the day, I think we as a community should make the final decision after hearing their response as to whether or not we should give them a chance to reconcile the issues at hand. Ultimately, all physicians have cases of poor growth. However, it is critical for physicians and clinics to make sure there are no quality control issues that cause ongoing problems beyond what is typically considered normal.


    In this case, it is clear that the number of reported cases of poor growth are significant. I also wonder if this is due to the fact that the clinic went from having the doctor performing all of the extractions to having technicians do it. Originally, we were told that the physician did the extractions. We were then told months later that technicians are doing this now, which is why we ended up changing the information on his recommendation profile.


    It makes me wonder if perhaps if we did give them another chance, that perhaps the doctor should go back to performing all of the extractions. Perhaps that's where the system broke down.


    Anyway, I want to assure the community that we are very serious about patient satisfaction and that ultimately, if we feel that a clinic is no longer living up to our high standards for recommendation, that we will take action. Ultimately, it would be nice to see the clinic turn things around back to the way things were when he was first approved for recommendation. But if they can't prove that any quality control issues have been resolved, we may have to truly discontinue his recommendation.


    Again, I believe it is fair to give the clinic a chance to explain themselves. Then, I will be counting on the community to provide their genuine and honest input on whether or not you think we should continue his recommendation. The publishers of this community will weigh all input seriously and make the final decision.


    I look forward to your input


    Best wishes,




    I agree with Bill !! I am also a patient of Dr Doganay and have nothing but great things to say about him. Even though it's only been exactly 6 months from my surgery and I can not really comment on the results yet, I do believe that he deserves a second chance. We only hear of those 15 - 20 bad experiences but let's not forget the other thousands of good ones. At the end of the day there is no guarantees on any HT and we all know that but what really counts is that this doctor has offered to make good on every single complaint and to me that speaks volume care after the fact service. Of course this is only my opinion.

  13. Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to give my story and experience with Dr Hakan Doganay. I am a white male in my late 30's living in the US. Started loosing my hair rapidly last year. It got me concerned because it was really thinning quick and all of the sudden. Came on this forum and started doing a ton of reading.Tried all the usual, Nizoral, Minoxidil but still my front area had thinned a lot at that point. So started researching the doctors and their work. There was two doctors that caught my eye. Dr Doganay and Dr Erdogan. They both had great reviews all over the web and their work looked amazing. Decided to go with Dr Doganay and booked my surgery via e-mail for April 30th. Landed in Antalya on the 28th and was picked up by one of the staff members named Kaan which spoke very good English and was a pleasure to deal with. He brought me to the hotel which by the way was right on the water and told me to rest since I had been traveling for about 24 hours. The next morning I was picked up by the Dr's right hand man, Muslum. I was amazed by his warmness and professionalism at the same time. He also spoke great english which put me to ease. So once picked up we got in the car and went to see Dr Hakan for consultation at his office. The minute I walked into the office, Dr Hakan stood up from his chair and gave me a big hug welcoming me. Then he proceeded by offering me some of their traditional desert, Baklava which all of us shared. After answering every question that I had patiently, he draw the line on my head and asked me what I thought. I told him that I liked it but since not getting any younger I would like a little more receding to it. He smiled and said, not a problem. So he let me draw it to where I wanted it and then went over himself to make sure it was right. Once that was done, we started talking about how many grafts I needed. They had originally quoted me to 1900-2000 grafts based on the pics that I had sent via computer but since I needed some extra for my temple area we decided to go with the 2200. We left the office shortly after that and me, Muslum and another patient went out to lunch ( food was delicious ) and spent the rest of the day site seeing. Didn't sleep much that nite since there was 7 hours time change and was getting a little nervous. Around 7am, I went to breakfast and made sure that I ate some food. Muslum and Kaan showed up around 9;30 to pick me up and drive me to the hospital. Once there, we met with Dr Hakan and his staff which was an amazing crew. He asked me if I had any more questions and on how I felt ....Then they shaved my head, washed it and gave me a pill to get me ready for the surgery. Then blood was drawn and I was laid facing down on the chair ready for the extracting procedure. The numbing injections hurt!! That was the only thing that hurt. They kept checking with me at all times on how I was feeling and if I had any pain and if I needed anything. In few words...Just unbelievably caring people !!! Three hours later we had completed the 2230 grafts. They cleaned the donor area and put on a big band aid. Time for lunch. Which once again was amazing and it felt just like my moms cooking at home. After lunch the implanting started. My donor area was burning a little more now that I was laying on my back also injections did hurt again but Dr Hakan kept making sure that I was ok at all times. Another thing I want to mention here is that my good friend Muslum, stayed with me the whole time of the surgery. He kept translating all the questions that I had for the staff. The implanting took roughly two hours, but we had to stay a little extra to work on the temple area, once again the staff was very patient with my concerns and kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. After the surgery was done, which took a total of five hours Muslum drove me back to the hotel. I had dinner and went to my room to relax and get some shut eye. Didn't sleep much that night, more like two to three hours. However, they did give me a pill for the pain, but I chose not to take it. Muslum kept on checking on me to make sure I was doing ok and asked if I had any questions. The next morning after I had breakfast, Muslum came to pick me up and we went for the first wash. I was showed on how properly to do it myself for the remaining recovery. We spent the day by having a delicious fish for lunch with our choice of Baklava. I stayed in Turkey for a few more days and left on the 3rd. Yesterday was my 2nd week mark and everything is looking great so far. No one can actually believe that I did have a hair transplant. That goes to tell you on how great Dr. Hakan and his crew are.

    A couple things I want to state here:

    First, the hospitality of the Turkish people was out of this world. I couldn't have picked a better place to have my surgery done.

    Secondly, I went to Turkey for a surgery, but i never expected to come out with the amount of new friends I made. Up to this day we still stay in touch.

    Third and foremost, not once was I asked about payment. I actually had to keep asking them on when I can pay. To me, that speaks a million words.

    Overall, I am very pleased with the whole experience and would highly recommend Dr. Hakan and his staff to everyone.





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