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Posts posted by cheetoman

  1. The fue didn't take well in my scar. So very little difference. Needless to say I'm very disappointed. I'm told the scar tissue is very tough and the tech's had a hard time puncturing the skin and inserting the hair.


    I went back to dr. Quatella about a year out for more help. I told him that as a child I had steroids injected into some scars I had on my face and back to help lessen their raised appearance. He then injected the fut scar twice but has since given up saying it's as loose as it will be. He now says he'll try another fue procedure - for another $3k.


    I know it's probably sour grapes but I feel like he gave up on me too quick. The scars from my childhood were injected many times over many months and became flat and soft and much less noticeable. I was hoping that if he kept at it the fut scar would get similar results and be easier to correct.


    I'm not happy with the results or the experience. I'm left feeling like he doesn't care about me. For him some cases work out and some don't. It just sucks when it's you. He moves on but I'm left with the results.


    I'm now wondering if smp into scar will help. Any one have an experience with this?

  2. Dr Blake,


    You stated above that very specific scars respond to FUE. What types are those?


    I had FUE into my scar about 2 months ago. The scar had stretched to about 1cm on one side, .5cm elsewhere. My Dr said this would be the best option as I don't appear to scar well. Thus no scar excision. I'm now wondering if this was the best option for me.


    Also, Dr Lindsey mentioned there were other characteristics that effect scaring (race, and height I believe were mentioned specifically). Are there others? And what is extreme height? I'm 6-5 and feel I'm normal, (everyone else is just shorter than me!)


    Thanks for any insight.

  3. thanks for your reply.


    i had an fue procedure in early august. 500 into scar by same dr who performed the fut. i followed all instructions to a T. i'm hoping it will lessen the appearance of the scar as the dr said it would.


    healing seems to be ok though today, nearly 2 months out, the scar area feels very tender. anyone have similar experience?

  4. Hi,


    I have what I consider to be a bad strip scar. It's the big smiley face type about 1cm wide. I've looked into repair with Dr Quatela (who is recommended by this site and who did the original work), and was given the options of scar removal and FUE into the scar. I like the idea of scar removal but am afraid of (1) not being able to sit still long enough to allow for proper healing and (2) if I can manage to heal, getting the same results as before.


    The alternative is FUE. I'm really on the fence about this option b/c although I want the scar fixed I'm afraid of more surgery, that is to say more visible scarring on my head (which to me seems to scream "Hair Transplant Recipient!" It makes me very embarrassed, rightly or wrong, so) I've tried to search out other people's experiences with this type of repair but seem to find, only posts dated immediately or shortly after post-op, posts from doctors, or threads that seem to stray from the original topic.


    I'm hoping that those who have had an HT scar repaired via FUE might share their long term results and experiences. Especially anyone who might have had the scar repaired with beard hair. (I feel so desperate that I'd rather have the FUE scars on my chin and neck than on my head! Though from the pictures I've seen online, the beard scars seem to heal better than those on the head)


    So, did the procedure work to your satisfaction?

    Who was your doctor and would you recommend him?

    Was there additional scarring that prevents you from cutting your hair short? Like the strip scar does.

    If you had the repair with beard hair, does the hair look right? is there bad scarring on your face?

    Any other advice?


    Anything you might share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  5. Thanks to all for the fast and informative responses! I feel that I've learned much in the last few weeks about HT from reading through this forum.


    BUSA, I appreciate your thoughts and wish I had done FUE. But at the time I didn't know it existed - it wasn't brought up by the Dr. I just went with what he suggested. Everything I learned about HT was from my consults with him. I now know that he didn't perform such procedures back then. I regret not being more proactive in researching myself the HT options available. I kick myself almost by the minute. Nevertheless, I am thinking following your thoughts and having him do the repair/removal of the scar. It would be at no cost (a huge consideration) and as others on the forum have said in other threads it will likely be no worse only better to some degree.


    Which leads me to - has anyone had a revision/removal with Dr. Quatela? Result? And what would be the proper healing guidelines. I try to be fairly active and have a hard time sitting still for even 1 week. What activity restrictions should one follow especially with regard to movement and exercise?

  6. New to the forum. I had 2 FUT procedures about 7 years ago with Dr. Quatela in Rochester, NY. I'm happy with the results but not the scar. I'm guessing it's about 10mm wide on average, covering a distance from ear to ear. I've recently seen Dr. Quatela about a repair. He suggested removal (for free), then revised his assessment and suggested 500 FUE (for a fee). I like free but I'm worried about the scar worsening and having to go through such a traumatic experience. (large wound area, necessity of inactivity, etc.) With FUE I'm worried about additional scarring. My questions are:


    1. Has anyone had scar revision (removal) with Dr. Quatela and what was your experience and result?

    2. What about FUE to repair scar with Dr. Quatela?

    3. Does anyone have an opinion about which method is better? (I've searched but most of what I found is relatively old)

    4. In scar revision or for that matter FUT in general, what is recommended recovery period? On my 2 procedures I was told I could resume normal activity after 1 week, including exercise. Is that long enough? Sadly I didn't research my decision well when I had the procedures done as I was desperate to control my hair loss. I was ready to do anything. Did my return to activity so soon contribute to the scar "stretching?" How long should you wait?


    I know these are probably tiresome questions, but this is a huge deal to me. I'm looking for some warm and fuzziness which I didn't really get from my consult.


    Thanks for any input.

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