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Posts posted by HairGuy86

  1. Yeh guys i love it to be honest - HTsoon your PM was what encouraged me to go do it, im very thankful for that -


    I am going to write up a story on this as i think this has changed my life


    Did HTSoon PM you the same thing I did? haha where's my love? :D


    Also it suits you well. No need to get FUE for a lower hairline or anything..


    My only suggestion would be to shave with a 0 guard instead of leaving that little bit on there

  2. Thanks, problem is, i am naturally slim and my head is slim, so if i become shiny Bald it would not look good.


    Here is a current picture of my hair, receding and diffuse in NW 4-5 pattern ?


    Hope lorenzo Will save me in october. ?


    Have you considered SMP? Since you have a good look with a shaved head, i think SMP would look amazing for you

  3. Those pictures are showing. Do you have any pictures before your surgery to post? I know your original post said you had no pictures right before the surgery, but do you have any showing your hair from before then? even if they weren't taken to show your hair in detail? It would help to establish where you were at before the surgery.


    Are you on any meds?

  4. Thanks for the response and posting some more photos. After looking at those the donor is even more limited than I first thought. I do think that framing your face would be cosmetically beneficial to you and I think you will require body hair if you want to get anything into the mid scalp. You have quite a contrast between hair and scalp and this will make the job harder to look natural and provide any illusion of density which you are just not going to get.


    I still think you would be better shaving and not going through with a procedure. If you are determined then you should 100% see some cases in person similar to yours before you take that step. Seeing in person is so important for you. I wish you all the best.


    This is the best advice in this thread.


    I also think you should shave your head. Reading what you wrote earlier saying that you would be okay with it "looking thin or like I'm beginning to bald would be okay with me". In my opinion (I'm not a doctor), I think you're setting yourself up to be let down. I know it's hard to hear, but with the amount of loss, and the fact that it is likely to progress, it will be very very hard if not impossible to get good coverage. Try shaving your head with a zero guard and wear that for a few weeks and see how you feel. If you still feel like getting a procedure after that, go for it. At least give it a try though. Whatever you do, do not get a FUT. The scar will be visible and you will regret it. I can almost guarantee that.


    I had a procedure done 5 months ago.. I always thought I would look like a freak if I shaved my head because of a weird head shape. I had my head shaven prior to the surgery just to make things easier, and I actually ended up really liking it and my head shape wasnt as weird as I thought. I seriously considered just cancelling my surgery right before it was about to start. Thinking back on it now, I probably should have just cancelled it because now I will always have a FUT scar. So I urge you to at least try the fully shaven head look. You have a good head shape and I'm sure you could pull it off. You could even try temporary SMP or something as another option.


    Best of luck.

  5. I'm 4 months post OP. I had work done in the hairline and in the crown. It seems as though the hair in-between the crown and hairline that had no work done has thinned substantially since my HT. It just looks extremely thin, in direct sunlight where as before the surgery it was thick, which is why it was never addressed in this HT.


    Is it possible to have shockloss in non transplanted areas post op?



    I have been on the big 3 for 2 years as well.

  6. They are a pretty busy clinic. I went in a while ago and a tech looked at my hair and said she saw a few pimples but everything looked okay.


    I'll book again monday and ask to see one of the doctors


    Yes I had grafts placed in the crown. Is it normal for transplanted grafts to shed at 2.5 months though? I thought the shedding of grafts usually happens around the 1 month mark, because if they say you should expect growth to start around 3-4 months, wouldn't that not make sense for grafts to shed at 2.5 months? because I thought they go into a resting phase for 4 months once they shed?

  7. I'm 2.5 out from my HT with Hasson And Wong and I have these hard white/yellowish crust/ball type things on my crown.. They look like sebum... and when I rub them they fall off with hairs embedded in them.


    Is this normal? They aren't on my hairline but only on the crown.


    I've heard pimples are common, but these don't seem like normal pimples.. They are hard white ball/crust type things..


    Has anyone experienced this before? Is it bad? How do i get rid of them?

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