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Posts posted by kostik

  1. Hello,


    After I uses Minoxidil(Kirkland), I experienced lots of dandruff. I think that when I have dandruff much more hair fall off my head(maybe twice as much as usual). Can minoxidil worsen my situation? Should i change to another product?

    Thanks for answer

  2. Hi guys, I just wanna share my obsession with my hairloss. I know its unhealthy and it has taken away much of my time, but sadly it's in my head 24/7.


    When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is counting the number of hair lost on the pillow and the sheet below. Then I would run my wet hand through my scalp and see how many hairs come out.


    When I am at work, I spend far more time in the toilet than anybody else, just to check my hair. To get away from suspicion, I go to a different toilet on a different floor each time.


    When I walk my way home, I would slow down at any mirror surface and check my reflection. I often wandering into a gas station just to check my head on top from a mounted security camera.


    This is not my story but my story is very similar. I started to visit mesotherapy session. I just had my second therapy. In my opinion my hair loss is due to the stress. Iam all time stressed. My doctor told me that mesotherapy almost always worked. Do you thing that mesotherapy could also work on such a stressed person??

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