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Posts posted by Ukboy

  1. Has there ever been any research into avoiding the dredded sheding of transplanted hair because it would be great if it grew straight away without all the pimples.

    i can not tell anything from them pictures.

    Do the hairs pull out or are they firmly anchored?


    yes its very hard I cant pull out

  2. Ukboy,


    When you say, "hair not falling" we assume that you mean your grafts have not shedded, is that correct?

    yes shedding

    If so, that is somewhat out of the norm, but not necessarily a bad thing. It could be that some of your grafts have continued to grow however many of them should be shedding at 3 months post-op.


    now its 6th month not any single hair shed.


    Here's a suggestion. Using your fingertips, simply pull some of the graft hair and see if they come off. If so, then it's really a matter of getting more pro-active in removing the dead graft hair shafts. At 3 months post-op, your recipient zone must be fully healed by now and so any of the crusts would be removed. If they are not removed, the new hair shafts cannot get through the sites where the crusts still exist and that is probably what your doctor was referring to when he was explaining the regrowth results.

    NO its very hard I cant pull out a single one.

    If you still have the crusts, get in the shower and shampoo up your scalp, let the suds saturate your scalp for roughly 5 minutes or so and then begin to rub off the crusts. At this point in time, they serve no purpose because the crusts are nothing more than dead graft tissue above the scalp line. By getting them wet in the shower will soften them up and make them easier to remove. You will see that most of the graft hair will come off with the crusts.

    Not any single down

    Every now and then, I hear from a guy who is not removing the crusts after 7-10 days because he is just being extra careful and think removing them is not a good idea.


    If you read and review many of the post-op instructions that clinics provide, they advise their patients to remove these dead crusts after 7-10 days. For those individuals who heal under normal time frames, 10 days is more than sufficient time for the recipient sites to heal enough for the crusts to be removed.


    Once your recipient is cleaned up, the new hair shafts have a clear path to grow through the scalp.


    Then you should start seeing a difference with new regrowth coming through.


    Feel better now my friend?...;)

    any one my hair is growing

    its was 4100 grafts

    its look like now 4000 hairs only :(

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