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Posts posted by Mikeka

  1. Mikeka,


    Thank you for coming back to share and showcase your final results. Honestly, I think they look very good.


    I'd also be interested in hearing from Dr. Dogany as to his increased involvement in the procedure. It seems like he is producing consistently good work and I haven't heard any concerns about his results recently.


    Perhaps if Dr. Doganay is more actively involved in the hair transplant procedure now and previous concerns have been resolved, we can reconsider recommending him again. What does the community think?


    Best wishes,




    Hey Bill,


    Thank you, I am happy with the result. I would say that the doc was not as involved in the procedure as much as I would have like. His techs did most of the work, both in the extraction and the implantation. He did the hairline and the techs did the filling.

  2. Why would you possibly consider recommending a Doctor who has had so many poor results and allegations directed at his work in recent memory? I have yet to find another Doctor, recommended or not, with the low amount of customer satisfaction and poor quality work as seen from Dr doganay. I would caution anyone who is considering this Doctor to stay clear.


    There were also allegations of representatives using accounts without disclosing an affiliation with Dr. Doganay's clinic in Turkey.


    You also closed the thread highlighting the allegations and the poor results.


    Here's the thread:




    Wow. Looks like stuff is really starting to hit the fan. I'm just counting myself as one of the lucky ones who got out with a good result.

  3. Hi all,


    Been meaning to do this for a while. We've all read plenty of long reviews so I'll try and keep this short.


    Basic facts.

    Age: 26.5 years

    Started losing hair at: 17 years (same as Dad)

    Finasteride: From 19 years.

    Minoxidil: From 25.5 years.

    Hair transplant at: 25.5 years

    Hair type: Coarse, thick, dark brown, curly hair (half Greek, half Irish ancestry)

    From Australia.


    My hair loss wasn't too noticeable to others due to my hair type. But I've been wanting to fix my hairline ever since I started losing my hair.



    Dr Hakan Doganay


    April 15, 2015

    Grafts: 2100? Forgot the break down, will update when I hear from the doc.




    Total Hairs:


    I was happy with the procedure. Seemed very professional. Muslum was a great translator. The nurses were all very good.


    Loved Turkey. Ended up staying for a month and then travelling Europe for another 7 months.


    I should say I found the act of shaving my head quite liberating. You can tell from before photos that I grew my hair longer to cover the loss. Always very sensitive about it, I had a sizeable forehead and the hair loss accentuated this. Living with noticeable hair loss through the regrowth phase really showed me people don't care. Women don't care. Yes its nice to have a great head of hair, but it really starts with your own confidence, self esteem and self belief.


    Hit me with any questions. Anybody in Brisbane, happy to meet if you want to see it in person.


    Photos at the following link in my album:

    Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos


    I've 18 photos, pre and post out to 12 months. Happy to put more up if people are interested.


    Happy to answer any questions or comments!

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