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Posts posted by Mosthair

  1. Hi Tav1,


    Thanks for your reply. I read your initial post and kudos to you and your stamina for writing to that detail and withstanding 3 days of FUE!


    As for me I've decided for the strip method since it takes less time and you seem to get the biggest bang for your buck in one session (I'm shooting for 2500-3000 depending on what comes out of the strip). I'm not planning on wearing my hair super short and I generally scar well so I'm thinking/hoping that the back scar is a non-issue.


    As for the two doctors that I mentioned (Pak/Rassman vs ziering), I researched the site on both and didn't find anything negative on either one's work quality except for some personality problems with ziering and staff (which I kind of understand by being there once!). However, I've had a couple of friends use him and they were really happy with the work. Pak/Rassman are great personality/character team and have been doing this for a long time but they're not nearly as busy as Ziering and I'm not sure why?!!!


    If you found anything on these two guys during your research, please fill me in via here or private message (if it's possible on here). Also I may pay your doctor a visit as well since you chose him and you seem to have done your homework!


    Please interject on any of the above.


    Thank you again,

  2. Hi everyone,


    Been suffering from hair loss for years but have been controlling it with propecia and rogain....I'm 43 now and I've gotten thin enough to get a hair transplant....I've researched couple of doctors here in LA area and my list is down to dr ziering (Newport beach) and dr pak (new hair institute in LA). Please give me as much feedback as you can on both or either so I can finally suck it up and make a surgery appointment!


    Thank u all in advance,



  3. Hi everyone,


    Been suffering from hair loss for years but have been controlling it with propecia and regain....I'm 43 now and I've gotten thin enough to get a hair transplant....I've researched couple of doctors here in LA area and my list is down to dr zeiring (Newport beach) and dr pak (new hair institute in LA). Please give me as much feedback as you can on both or either so I can finally suck it up and make a surgery appointment!


    Thank u all in advance,



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