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Posts posted by frankwhite

  1. Thank you Dr. Feller but there was much more to my post than the point you highlighted above.


    I'd like to clarify my position. Strip first, then FUE if you are one that is seeking the absolute maximum amount of hair over a lifetime AND you have zero desire to shave or have a very close hair cut, below a #4 guard. I can barely hit a #3 guard myself but if I wanted to go shorter my donor scar would be clear as day but considering I've got ten thousand grafts you can't really ask for anything better and in fact to get this good would be fortunate for most to say the least.


    But here's the thing. I don't think anyone should have hair transplant surgery. It means that you always have something no matter how small it is, that is in the back of your mind. It can and does include the following:


    1. Does anyone see my donor scar?

    2. Does anyone see my donor scars from FUE?

    3. Does anyone see the overharvested area of low density compared to higher density in the virgin areas?

    4. Does my hairline look natural?

    5. Is my crown covered?

    6. Is my vertex covered?

    7. Do I need more hair spray?

    8. Do I need more surgery?

    9. Is my Propecia still working?

    10. Is my penis still working because I'm taking Propecia?


    So on and so on.


    The subconcious and concious issues that are floating in our heads become common place and routine but they are there and they would not be there without surgery, FUSS or FUE alike. I don't worry about my hair but at the same time it is still a "thing" that I am aware of. Is this because of my mental scars from my first two botched surgeries and from having a pluggy as Hell hairline throughout my twenties? Maybe, but it's there just the same.


    If someone is looking to have hair transplant surgery I try to routinely ask them if they have ever shaved their head. If they have not then I encourage them to try because if they like the look it will save them ten to forty thousand dollars. If they don't like the look then they can eliminate that option from their list. If one is going to get a hair transplant and they have taken every step possible to stop their loss and they are having a positive reaction to their efforts then they should evaluate what type of surgery that is best for them. Strip first then FUE is not a reality for many patients and I think in the grand scheme of things this path would be in the minority for most. If they know they are going to potentially wind up as an advanced NW and they do not like how they look with a shaved head then yes, strip first then FUE. If they want the option and think they do look ok with a shaved head but would prefer hair, FUE first all the way. This gives more of an option to tap out if they change their mind as long as the tools used are small enough to avoid the pock mark scarring that can result from larger punches and reckless overharvesting. With FUSS, one procedure is all it takes and there is no turning back. At. All. Ever. No amount of FUE into scar, SMP into scar, pixie dust into scar or a combination approach will ever erase a donor scar so if it can be avoided for most then it will be. This is where I believe that the somewhat lower yield of FUE compared to similar quality strip is irrelevant for most patients.


    I've said my peace for now so I'm going to try and stay out of this from here on out. My position is clear and I still have a lot of videos to edit before I hop on a plane for Turkey on Monday. I never imagined being my own boss would have me so busy!


    You, sir, have hit the nail on the head .

    Excellent post and excellent advice.

    This discussion is now over , there is nothing valid that anyone can add to this IMHO.

  2. the search button is ur friend. unless ur too lazy or stupid to figure that out on ur own....:rolleyes:


    and just to appease ur ignorance there are several clinics around the world performing quality HT's that have techs performing them so being an actual doctor vs. one in training with one of the top HT doctors in the world really doesn't mean shiit wen it comes to HT knowledge that Blake has.


    uve been awarded TROLL of the month! Congratulations! a free TROLL poster is on its way. you can hang it with pride over ur computer....:rolleyes:


    but since ur likely one of the recent BANNED nut huggers ur probably well aware of everything I posted.


    I simply asked a direct question - no agenda,no hidden meaning,no insults.

    Just a question that has now been answered.

    Everybody here knows that you are the troll BUSA.

    Keep your idiotic opinions to yourself.

  3. where r all the older pics? u got somthn other then multiple pics of the same cat? not a very difficult case. I wud expect better then average results. this is like hitting a single for any decent HT surgeon.


    hairline is still too high tho but thats Loenzo's MO which is why its easier to stuff more grafts in there each case and give more density but then ur left with a conservative older looking hairline..


    Busa, why don't you try saying something constructive for once or even better, just keep your idiotic mouth shut?

    You're like a broken record.

    And you have the audacity to call ME a troll????

  4. the search button is ur friend. unless ur too lazy or stupid to figure that out on ur own....:rolleyes:


    and just to appease ur ignorance there are several clinics around the world performing quality HT's that have techs performing them so being an actual doctor vs. one in training with one of the top HT doctors in the world really doesn't mean shiit wen it comes to HT knowledge that Blake has.


    uve been awarded TROLL of the month! Congratulations! a free TROLL poster is on its way. you can hang it with pride over ur computer....:rolleyes:


    but since ur likely one of the recent BANNED nut huggers ur probably well aware of everything I posted.


    I and the rest of the users of this forum am well aware that you, BUSA, are a first class prick and indeed the most persistent troll on the forum.

    Who is it that routinely trashes most of the doctors who post results here whilst extolling the virtues of a few virtually unknown Turkish clinics at every available opportunity?

    I, on the other hand, merely asked a simple and straightforward question - no agenda,no trolling,no insults or bullshit, just a question which has now been answered and my curiosity has been satisfied.

  5. I can't speak for all hair transplant doctors, but I know a few who started to charge for consults because the request for consultations was unmanageable before. These doctors said they were getting an unsustainable amount of consultations when they were free of change. It was affecting their ability to actually perform procedures on their patients.


    What's more, many of these potential consults weren't serious about surgery. It's always nice to sit down and help these patients out. In fact, it's my favorite part of my current job! However, it isn't a sustainable model.


    By charging a small fee for consultations, these doctors were able to get the volume under control and consult with patients who were further along the process and truly ready for the consultation.


    Specifically, which doctors are you referring to that did not initially charge for consults but now do?

  6. You completely misunderstood my point busa.

    It's not about being able to afford to pay for it or not having done research ( what a ridiculous suggestion to make) but about the fact that this doctor charges for consults ,when others in the same field do not .

    What does that say about his priorities?

    And in England one does not pay for an initial consultation with a lawyer (or an accountant,or a plumber or Any other profession that I can think of) - its the same principal as with a hair transplant surgeon. You consult with these people to see if they can professionally fulfill your requirements - you tell them what you need,they tell you if they can do that and how they might achieve it. If you are happy with their level of competence and knowledge,you instruct them and THEN they get paid.

    I've personally consulted with Dr.Armani,Dr.Mwamba & Dr.Bisanga - all world class surgeons with longstanding reputations - and NONE of them charged...

  7. Hi all,

    I'm a long time reader of this - and other - hairloss forums and wondered what the community thinks of the practice of doctors that charge for consults?

    As a bit of background, Ive had several consults with 4 different highly regarded doctors - None of whom are resident, nor practice, in the UK - all of whom travelled here at their own expense to hold FREE consultations with prospective patients.

    Today, I was about to book a final consult with a doctor recommended on here - who practices in London - who actually wanted me to pay for a consult.

    I declined and Immediately crossed him off of my list of potential surgeons.

    To me, It doesn't bode well that they would ask for money just to see me and discuss my options etc.

    What do you guys think - am I right to be suspicious of such practices as an indicator of their primary motivations?

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