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Posts posted by bilbobaggins

  1. Also, I initially wanted FUE to be able to keep a short side/back haircut, but Dr. Beehner advised me away from it because of potential for the notorious white dots and that a good % of the units won't hold. What is your thought on this Dr. Bloxham? I just saw some huge 100+ page thread that you and Dr. Feller were in about FUE vs FUT and everyone was saying FUE is the superior process. I'm really confused now about what to think!

  2. Hey man, I started losing my hair about 21. I tried a bunch of different stuff (pretty much primarily topical stuff like foams and shampoo stuff), then started taking Procerin. It's pills and foam. The suggested regimen is 2 applications of the foam per day and 1 pill/morning and 2 pills/night. I take the 2 pills at night and apply the foam about once a month and its pretty much held my hair exactly where it was since I started taking it. It hasn't regrown hair, but its staved off hair loss, or at least really really greatly slowed it.

  3. These pictures can be a little deceiving, because while I generally do a 6 all over the top, I usually use a light pressure 5 on the "bridge" (or whatever it's called) across the top middle of the head to blend it in with the rest of the hair.


    I was looking for a younger patient that had a similar loss pattern to me and came across this guy: Hair Restoration Websites


    My hairloss is similar to his, but to a much lesser degree. My hairline is still intact as you can see, but I have some thinning in similar areas to him. Those are generally the areas I wanted to fill in, around the front forelock and crown.


    Do you think I could expect a good result based on his past work and what loss I currently have?

  4. Take a look at my pics. I'm 28 years old, started losing it at about 21 years old, been taking Procerin for about 5-6 years which has pretty much kept my hair where it was when I began taking it. My hairless, if not obvious, is a horseshoe in the front with a thinning crown. My hairline is still pretty much completely intact. Considering a HT with Dr. Beehner, who this site recommends - though for some reason this site also recommends Dr. Quatela, who is primarily a plastic surgeon, and creates indefensibly terrible results. However, Dr. Beehner does have some pretty good results (Saratoga Hair Transplant Center - Saratoga, NY - Home - SaratogaHair). I want to have a short haircut, and the doc says that my hair will only need to be a 1/2 inch on the sides/back to conceal the scar.


    What do you guys think? If I'm 28, an intact hairline, and taking a medication that has pretty much halted my loss, do you think I'm a good candidate for a HT? Can I have a (pretty much) full head of hair again? I'm not asking it to be perfect and super thick, just good! The doctor already said my donor area is good and that I have a good loose scalp, and would perform this if so desired. Also, I'm only talking about the strip method, not FUE.


    Any info you guys could give me would be really appreciated, thank you!!!!


    PS I did get some SMP done, but due to the dryness of my scalp, the ink didn't really hold too well




  5. Now now, gents, play nice. I did ask him that question, and he did also PM me. Anyways, scar I get it. I wasn't gonna put you on blast or anything like that, nor ever reference you on this forum or any other site. Just curious to see your results, esp being someone who got SMP with longer hair. And I don't think it has to at all be "loved it" or "hated it" when it comes to SMP. But I respect your privacy and decisions.

  6. I appreciate your answers, Scar. I'm guess not really sure why you are so opposed to posting anonymous pics, even if its just in a private message to me, but hey who am I to judge, especially if you aren't feeling particularly confident about them. I get that, and have been there. It was only recently I was able to get up the nerve to post mine, because hey what do I care? We're all here for the same purpose, and to provide support for each other.


    Thanks again for your responses, though! They have given me some insight into the process.

  7. Thanks for the insight guys, I really appreciate it. Scar5, you said you had permanent smp done? And you're very happy with your results and can have longer hair? If so, please take a look at their gallery and tell me what you think. It looks like they do pretty good work, especially filling in with those with longer hair. And if you think the possibility of a slight blue-ish tone wouldnt be noticeable?


    Also, if I was to consider a hair transplant in the future after SMP, it wouldn't be for months and months probably.


    Scar, do you have any before and after pics of yourself from the smp surgery if in fact you did get it done? Would love to see first hand some results, and not just faceless pics on a clinic's website..


    Lastly, why do you say "consider temp" but then say "it won't do you much and will be tricky to plan an HT over", when it sounds to me like you're advocating for perm smp? Why would temp be detrimental? Just because the doc will have trouble knowing where to place because it temporarily looks like there is hair in certain areas?


    Again, sorry for so many questions, just a lot going on in my head!

  8. I'm impressed with this result, but after doing extensive research on Dr. Quatela, why the inconsistency? I've seen his HTs vary wildly, while most of the good surgeons I see have great consistency in their results. Many of his procedures, especially based on how many grafts he gets, are definitely sub-par. I ask this as a potential customer of Dr. Quatela, as I've recently even visited their clinic to discuss a potential HT from them.

  9. So here's my situation: I live in Rochester, NY and was considering SMP. I have a bunch of hair, and wear my hair real short anyways (like a 6 on top and a 1 on the sides and back). Do you think this would work with the length I keep my hair? On the site of the place I was looking at, Scalp Aesthetics (The best scalp micropigmentation on the planet | Scalp Aesthetics <-by the way I just pasted the URL, that description automatically appeared), most are shaved head but there are also a bunch of people who have longer hair and use SMP to achieve the look of increased density. My hairline hasn't receded at all, so I don't have to worry about the sometimes artificial looking SMP hairline.


    However, I was also considering an FUE or some sort of non-scarring hair transplant (not going to Dr. Quatela here in town after what I've read about him on here). So, if I get SMP work done, does that jeopardize my ability to get a HT in the future? Will they still be able to transplant in the area where SMP has been done? Will this make it harder to get a HT in any way? Also, what is the advantage of temporary SMP over permanent SMP? Also, does anyone have any info about Scalp Aesthetics? They have a pretty extensive gallery which looks pretty good, especially for what I want done., but I read about a guy whose ink turned blue. Here's the link to that: (Link removed by moderator)



    Sorry for so many questions, just considering a bunch of things and have a lot of confusion and thoughts running through my brain at the moment!


    Lastly, fyi I am 27 amd halted/greatly slowed my hair loss with procerin, so if anyone has any thoughts or insight on procedures that may be beneficial to me and can get me back to thicker hair, please let me know!




  10. Hi hairthere, I have a question and maybe you can answer for me. I live in Rochester, NY and was considering SMP. I have a bunch of hair, and wear my hair real short anyways (like a 6 on top and a 1 on the sides and back). However, I was also considering a hair transplant (not going to Dr. Quatela here in town after what I've read about him on here). So, if I get SMP work done, does that jeopardize my ability to get a HT in the future? Also, what is the advantage of temporary SMP over permanent SMP?

  11. Hey CD, I'm kind of in a similar situation. I live in Rochester, NY and was considering SMP. I have a bunch of hair, and wear my hair real short anyways (like a 6 on top and a 1 on the sides and back). However, I was also considering a hair transplant (not going to Dr. Quatela here in town after what I've read about him on here). So, if I get SMP work done, does that jeopardize my ability to get a HT in the future? Also, what is the advantage of temporary SMP over permanent SMP?

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