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Posts posted by jacob123321

  1. Hi guys, I'm 17 (3 months off of my 18th) and have been losing my hair for about the past year and a half maybe (16), I went from having a full head of hair to probably 60% volume within 4-5 months so it hit fast. I first noticed it at the hair dresser and booked an appointment with a dermatologist, this didn't come as a suprise to me as it is on both sides of my family. Father is a Norwood 7 and maternal grandfather was a norwood 7 aswell.. I just didn't know it would happen when i wasn't even out of highschool yet.


    The dermatologist wrote me a prescription for 1.25mg finasteride per day (1/4 proscar pill) and i use nizoral 2 x a week. This has pretty much held my hair at bay but within maybe the last 4 months it has gotten worse, maybe 10-15%, especially on the right side of my temple.. I am pretty much a norwood 2.5 right now and have just a frontal forelock which is also pretty thin, I still have a 'full' head of hair as to put it however albeit thin and quite a bit receeded.


    My main question is if finasteride has stopped my hairloss maybe 85-90% over a 14 month period does that mean I could maybe hold out another 2 years as it is kind of stable and then opt for a light- moderate FUE procedure (was thinking of going with Dr Rahal) and switching to dutasteride aswell to fully stop DHT and preserve my new head of hair and have light - moderate FUE top ups every few years IF need be until I am either at the age where I have gotten through my peak social years or new advancements have been released (replicel etc).

    It really is hard and no young man should have to go through this, In a way it's turned me into a shell of my former self and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies, it truely is a soul crushing thing especially at my age when I have no one I can relate to. I just want to be able to get through my peak years worry free and then join the hairloss masses when its more 'accepted'.


    I can attach photos if need be.


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