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Posts posted by billythepub

  1. You dont really need to be Columbo to work out different identities share a similar child like style of writing here. Some would say that displays a disingenuous way to treat potential customers.


    I digress.


    Not even the most zealous hair system wearers would need 10 hair systems a year unless:


    a) they use them to for example burn as fuel

    b) they are a bit rubbish and need changing once a month or so?


    Just sounds like a ruse to part us wearers from our hard earned deniro.


    So to balance things up. I've had my current system for 8-months now and I am still very happy with it. I need two hair systems a year and for that I paid ?190 each (purchased two at once). No need for complex payment plan matrix.


    I purchased it from a UK based company and on checking they do European systems also.


    If you need help with a recommendation feel free to PM me or reply here.

    ''So to balance things up. I've had my current system for 8-months now and I am still very happy with it. I need two hair systems a year and for that I paid ?190 each (purchased two at once). No need for complex payment plan matrix.


    I purchased it from a UK based company and on checking they do European systems also.


    If you need help with a recommendation feel free to PM me or reply here.''



    hi what company are you with? I am on a budget

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