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Posts posted by sanchoy

  1. ScalpMP. Finally went in to redo my touch up after almost 3 gruesome months. Looks promising, but I'm still skeptical since the first session was a disaster. They claimed the wrong depth was used and this time the color should retain. We shall see, I'll keep you posted

  2. Dots lightened up a little, however the color contrast between the dots are too noticeable. Some areas look like sharpy markers, other areas looked well blend. They claim that results varied per customer and my body expelled the Ink more then others.


    The conference presentation was nerve wrecking, I tried my best to stay away from high area lighting. My co-workers asked me afterwards if .I was alright, they said I looked nervous and worried, compared to my usual self.


    Overall, I'm heavily disappointed. Having to display this for 2 months is uncalled for. The company said they were willing to get me in after 2 months and resolve the issue

  3. I'm just so confused, after the initial smp it looked awesome. The redness due to the procedure masked the large dots. Now that the redness dissipated the dots are noticeable. I'm so sad right now and disappointed. I hope what you say is true, that the large dots will shrink. I have a presentation in front of a conference next week and my ego is so shot! I. I'm depressed, I called my smp vendor and they stated I had to wait a whole.month until june.


    My wife even told me, what happened to your procedure. Even she noticed. Please if you had any similar experience where large dots are left, after 2 weeks. Please reply your experience. Im so lost and defeated. Help me. I wanted to finish this amp in preparation for my conference next week, now I look like a total clown show. Help. Thanks.

  4. This is what I was able to research. After the SMP, it looked amazing. But now since the scabs are drying off the color has increasingly fades to a dull dark gray. Some areas a patchy! In those areas it could be the contrast difference between scab areas. #7 below states color can and will change by 50%? I'm thinking about going back in since I still have one more extra treatment if needed



    Day 1

    Throughout and immediately after treatment a localized protective response also known as inflammation will be apparent. Typical characteristics can be redness, edema and slight irritation. This reaction is totally normal due to the unfamiliar activity the skin has just experienced. A rich vitamin A & D barrier cream is applied to the area and given for homecare before leaving us at The Shadow Clinic. A hat should be brought along and worn whenever outside during the healing process to avoid UV exposure. Barrier cream should be applied daily over the next 5-7 days.


    Day 2


    Redness starts to subside and depending on your skin Fitzpatrick is usually less apparent on darker skins. The Micro scalp pigmentation may start to appear darker due to the newly formed protective scabs ( > Pin point size) from needle incision.


    Day 3


    Redness has decreased further and the healing process on the 3-5 day will peak. At this stage scabs begin to exfoliate. A follow up call from The Shadow Clinic is made to check up and answer any questions you may have.


    Day 4


    Minimal redness will be present if any. Micro pigmentation dots may seem larger then a normal hair follicle size as minimal blood, pigment and lymphatic fluids that formed the protective scab purge and flake away from the new skin.


    Day 5


    Exfoliation is still underway as the pin point size scabs decay. Skin at this stage may feel dry and itchy. Homecare should still be applied at least once a day. If the area still feels dry then re-apply. Do not scratch or remove scabs yourself as you can remove a piece of new skin holding pigment along with it. Exfoliation must be done naturally. Any premature removal of scabs can leave the new undeveloped skin exposed before time.


    Day 6


    A marked difference in micro pigmentation dot size and tone will be apparent from continuing exfoliation. You will be use to the darker healing colour so do not be alarmed when the treated area becomes lighter. You will notice different colours within the dots , some dark, some light and all different shades of charcoal .


    Day 7


    Your treatment will appear very light as new skin is formed. Pigment can fade anywhere up to 50 percent. Many factors will determine this. The pigment is a foreign particle and depending on how aggressive your immune system is macrophages (Scavenger cells) can work toward trying to rid the area of the pigment. Newly formed collagen will encase pigment making it inaccessible to the immune system thus shading over it. Remember new skin can appear opaque to begin with clouding over the pigment. The treated area will feel a little bumpy until exfoliation has diminished. In a month pigment integration within the skin is complete and the true colour and tone will be seen. On day 7 any existing hair may be carefully cut and you are ready for your 2nd of 3 treatments.

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