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Posts posted by Sarit

  1. I would definitely encourage you to go to Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix. The results and care are worth the trip. I live in New Mexico and flew in one day; had the surgery and flew out the next. I think I even got a 49.00 flight on SW. I believe he gives the results (especially if your a woman)one would hope for if not better. I don't even have a scar.

  2. I can tell you about my experience but again if you have specific questions please ask. I am 43. I began noticing hair loss as around the age of 18. I had a ton of hair so it didn't bother me too much then. It never got severe but over time I could see the effects of my hair loss were more pronounced. I still have good coverage on the sides and back but was getting very thin on top. I went to see Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix AZ. He has one of the best techniques because he uses a micro blade that makes healing faster and virtually no scaring or bumps like you'll see with other Drs. He and his staff treated me extremely well; the cost was very aforable (about $3/graft and a graft can have up to 3-4 hair follicles). I had about 2000 grafts done my first session and will have about the same in December. In December we will focus more on the crown area and I expect to have full coverage when all is said and done. The first time I had interest free financing and this time I am paying cash which earned me an additional discount so Dr. A is very good in all respects. His consulation was free and he took a lot of time to explain the process to me and my husband and was available for more questions either by phone or email. The procedure took most of the day; I went in at 7:30 a.m.; was made comfortable; I was awake for part of the procedure and watched a movie while he operated. I fell asleep during part of the procedure; not because of anesthesia (because you are not given general anesthesia; just local)but because I was comfortable and also probably because of the pain medication (lortab I believe). The first part of the procedure they took the graft from the back of my head and the second part of the procedure was inserting the grafts in my scalp. Between procedures I was treated to a nice lunch. The only pain I really felt was the incision on the back of my head for about 2 days but the lortab helped. I could not wash my hair but could run water over my scalp gently if I covered it with a wash cloth for the first 3-4 days. After that I could wash gently. My hair grew in within 3 months and by 6 I had great results; after a year really great! I do have a short hair cut and that makes it easier during the surgery I think but not sure. After 10 days my husband took out the stitches in the back of my head and I healed just fine; can't even see where the graft was taken. I'm glad I was a good candidate and also grateful for such a good doctor. I think that is number one because this procedure done wrong or poorly could really have devastating results in many ways; financially a possible waste; emotionally because of a possible poor outcome etc. So I'm glad I researched and found Dr. Alexander. It was worth the trip from New Mexico where I live. Hair is important to women and wigs work for some but I wasn't ready for one and now I don't have to wear one ever so I am very pleased.

  3. Hi,

    I began losing my very thick, long hair when I was 17-18. I am now 43 and still have a decent amount of hair but it was very thin on top and as a female this can be devastating; wondering if you're going to lose it all. I researched hair transplants for women and came across Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix AZ. His technique is so exact that I decided to go to him rather than like a Bosley. He makes smaller incisions because he uses a smaller blade where he implants the follicles which is great because although I had swelling and redness for a few days I did not get the pustules that so many people get and the bumpy scared scalp that can occur with a larger blade. The only thing that hurt was not the implants themselves, but the grafting site. The pain was manageable; I was uncomfortable for the first 3 days; the area felt tight. After my husband removed the stitches 10 days later I felt great! The donor sight healed well; I had little numbness and the hairs grew in quickly. I did experience some shedding which is normal but within 4-6 months the changes were dramatic. I am so pleased I am going back for my second and final procedure to complete the crown area. It's common to have to have more than one procedure depending on the significance of your hair loss. I am so happy I did this because it beats wigs; rogaine, hats, scarves...all that. The expense and financing was very doable. I recommend Dr. Scott Alexander to anyone (especially women) to at least consult with him. His staff and their treatment of you is also top of the line. I couldn't be more pleased.

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