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Posts posted by themojitoknight

  1. Hi Experts,


    I hail from the New Jersey area and have been experiencing gradual hairloss for the last 10 years or so. My hairloss has reached a prominent stage now and I am contemplating to go for a HT to improve the density of the hair in the region whereit has thinned significantly (pic attached - I have also encircled the effected area). But I am worried that a HT attempt in the region where I still have my natural hair, will have an impact on the existing hair follicles (shock-loss?) and damage them.


    Please advise. Also, if you suggest that a HT would do no harm, please recommend me a good HT surgeon in the NJ, US area if you are familiar with any from your personal experience. Also, is there a particular type of HT that I should consider? Thank you very much in reading my post and for helping out!


    PS: I had tried Minoxidil solns (rogaine) earlier, discontinuing which had adverse effects with increased hairloss and dandruff/dry scalp. I have tried consuming saw palmetto orally to inhibit DHT without much luck. I prefer staying away from Propecia due to the side effects.


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