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Posts posted by ramboshair

  1. Hi mates,


    After lot of research felt like only propecia will save my current native hair .


    Before considering propecia would like to clear some of my queries that will help to play the game safe.



    • Are there any tests that will help us to cross check whether we are effected with any of the Propecia sides.




    • Planning to take 0.25mg propecia twice per week and check for 1 or 2 months.If I experience any sides will stop continuing Propecia .Is there any way we can cross check if the effected sides are short term or long term?



    Any suggestions for Propecia beginners will be highly appreciated.

  2. Hi Mates,


    I am having lot of oil/Sebum on my scalp and would like to understand how it contribute to hair loss.Below are my queries.



    • Will sebum alone cause hair loss? Once the hair strand shreds i'm seeing small white kind of bulb at the bottom of the hair.Not sure what is that white bulb.Earlier thought it is some dandruff eating away my hair



    • Is hair loss due to sebum something different from hair loss due to MPB




    • Will treating this sebum help me to regrow the hair that is lost and also plz help in finding out any shampoo/medication that will help to reduce sebum



    My Photo album :

    Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients

  3. Hi Guys,


    I'm 28yrs and losing hair from last 7 years.I have uploaded my photos in the album(After applying Rogaine).


    Please have a look and advise me on the below queries.




    • For my current norwood scale how many grafts do you think will give a good density on Front and Top.Am I at norwood scale 4 or 5?




    • My native hair is thin and experiencing good miniaturization.At what norwood scale I may land in the future and also after HT if I loss all these native miniaturized hair due to shock loss then how are the chances of regrowth for this native hair along with the transplanted hair?




    • As of now I'm on rogaine but never tried propecia.If I'm getting 4 to 5k grafts and not using propecia then will this grafts density cover my front top even though If I'm loosing my native hair?




    • I am looking for a one time procedure and Can you please suggest/recommend any doctors based on my case details.As of now I'm in USA?



    Any other advise/Suggestions will be highly appreciated.


    Thanks in Advance mates

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