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Posts posted by surfndaily

  1. I had my HT about 6 weeks ago. The last week or two I have had two hard bumps on my hairline. They are sore to the touch and feel solid. Anyone have any ideas what they are or how to have them heal. Are they ingrown hairs? I have attached a photo of the area in question. Any info would be greatly appreciated


  2. Just got home from the second session with Dr. Umar and wanted to attach the final product. I now have 3,000 and focused on the frontal and mid-section and had a few grafts added into a thinner spot in the crown. I wanted to keep a conservative hairline so did not move the hairline from its existing recession point. The goo on my head is the neosporin and antibiotic cream that was added at the doctor's office.





  3. I have been a long time lurker on this website and been postponing pulling the trigger to get an HT. I had been putting up with my thinning hair since first noticing it falling out of my head at the age of 26. I am now 38 years old but finally this year my thinning hair started getting to my psyche. While it seemed to be unnoticeable to anyone else, I would struggle looking in the mirror every morning or walking by the mirror at work and would mess with my hair to the point it was even worse.


    The last straw was when I went to Mexico in November and after a week of play, I saw my photo on those automatic passport booths and how thin my hair looked. I had been self conscious all week about going in the ocean or the pool and have everyone see my thinning, I decided to take the plunge. As soon as I got back from my trip, I reached out to several HT surgeons and got their recommendation. I decided to choose Dr. Sanusi Umar in Redondo Beach. I have been following him the last 7 or 8 years since I first noticed his work in FUE transplantation. I was never interested in having a huge linear scar around my head, but was always hesitant to be a pioneer with a new(er) technology.


    I met with Dr. Umar in November and booked my HT for January 27th for 3,000 grafts. I just got back from the first day and have posted my before and day one picture below. The first picture is my hair recession in November. The second attachment is a photo taken today after the first 1,500 grafts were placed. I am going to his office for the second 1,500 tomorrow and will see if I may need a few hundred more to get a great result.


    I will start to update periodically on my growth.


    Happy trails




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