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Posts posted by refusetogiveup

  1. Hi,

    I should've looked for your thread before I PMed you haha BUT looks great! I hope the result is as good as your recovery process. I have to go back to work within a week and half, do you think people can notice that you got HT after that time? I'm sorry if you didn't want me to ask you questions on this thread, if you do, I apologize. I would really appreciate it if you can reply me back

  2. Hi,

    I should've looked for your thread before I PMed you haha BUT looks great! I hope the result is as good as your recovery process. I have to go back to work within a week and half, do you think people can notice that you got HT after that time? I'm sorry if you didn't want me to ask you questions on this thread, if you do, I apologize. I would really appreciate it if you can reply me back

  3. Thank you for all the replies guys!

    I have been talkin to Dr.Doganay's rep and I addressed all these rumors that has been going on, such general anesthesia, tech doing most of the work, and Dr.Doganay not being present during the procedure.


    Based on what the rep said, general anesthesia is an OPTION that they provide for people who are sensitive to pain (I will get local anesthesia. I will feel more comfortable that way) and Dr. Doganay will be present through out the procedure other than lunch/bathroom breaks. Once I make my 100% decision to go through with HT I will post a detailed experience from his clinic.

    I am only 23years old, I really hope he's the doctor that can bring me back my confidence :)

    keeping my fingers crossed.


    any more comments/ advises will be greatly appreciated!!!


    I asked this on my original post but I am planning to go by myself, Turkey really is a safe place for me to travel alone as long as I do not go anywhere close to the borders right? I only plan to stay at the clinic and the hotel provided from them and leave right afterwards.

  4. Hi guys,

    I have been lurking on this website for abour 1.5years now. I am 23 year old male. I have been suffering from Hairloss for about 3years now. This took a huge hit on my self-esteem and I have been trying everything I can to have some regrowth and maintain what I have now. I have diffused thinning all over the top. Under sunlight, my scalp is very visible...I always worry about my hair going outside. I started using 1.25mg finastride about 8months ago and I have been using nizoral and minoxidil (foam 5% from costco) for a year and half. I know I am young but I have decided to go for a HT. I have contacted Dr.Rahal, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Doganay, Dr. Feller, Dr.Cooley, Dr. Epstein, and few others. Basically two doctors told me to wait couple more years before the procedure and 4 of the doctors I have contacted told me I was a suitable candidate. Of all the doctors I have decided to go to Dr. Doganay in Turkey. I have been reading and looking at his results and patient experiences for past 2 months. He recommended 2500 graft for my frontal and mid scalp area.


    I do not want to live my prime age worrying about my hair... which is a big factor why I have decided to get a HT done.


    I did my research and I still am in the process of it. BUT I would still appreciate any advises you guys can share with me. I chose Dr. Doganay due to his results and his affordable price.


    Lastly, I understand that Turkey is not exactly the safest country to visit at the moment. What do you guys think? I am probably being paranoid but since I will be going to a forigne country, I would like this opinion as well.


    Thank you for reading, I REALLY would appreciate any suggestions/comments.

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