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Posts posted by JimHal

  1. Jim Hal,

    We all respect your decisions and convictions. Anyway you should understand the fact that unfair belligerence agains Maral has produced pretty defense here.


    I am just wondering if you would be certain that you would have the same or better result, would you prefer to have just your channels opened by a non-surgeon doctor, and willing to pay x5-10 more just for that?? (Extraction and implantaton will be done by technicians anywhere)


    Thats a really good point, but in my case I just would rather be safe than sorry. Presently I am looking at Dr. Hakan who seems like an excellent surgeon. In the operation experiences everyone mentions that he is helped by his staff during the operation, but they all note that he was present the whole time and did the heavy lifting, which is something really assuring for me.

  2. Thank you all for chiming in. Some people got pretty defensive I must say! But yes it makes perfect sense. Doctor > Technician makes a huge difference, "supervising" doesn't really work here. I dont want to do this 10 hour operation more than I have to.


    I found a few clinics, and have come across some great results with doctors using the lateral slit technique .. Although many of them are being vague if they actually take out a piece of skin like they do in FUT, can anyone clarify this?


    Thanks again guys.

  3. So, I've been doing my research and have been quoted differently from different surgeons. And would love your opinion on the matter.


    I've contacted FUE Hair Transplant Turkey Asmed - Cheap Follicular Unit Extraction in Istanbul - numerous good reviews for a free consultation, and they estimated that I'd be paying 12,500 euro for a 5000 graft FUE operation.


    While some members here have done operations with Dr. Maral, for example, and have paid 1800 euros for a 3500 graft FUE. And have noticed this with other clinics as well in Turkey.


    Why the big discrepancy? Am getting what I am paying for?


    Are there reliable clinics that anyone can recommend that would do a 4000-5000 FUE for a reasonable price? Your recommendations are always welcome.



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