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Posts posted by seeker323

  1. Dear Seeker323,


    Having been operated by technicians has probably caused the following problems:

    1. You probably weren't a good candidate for having a hair transplant, however technicians are not trained to behave according to medical ethics and always give priority to patient benefits that physicians do.

    2. The donor area was over harvested with clusters of defects causing a moth eaten appearance.

    3. The transection rate could be up to 70-80%. This means that the deficiency at the donor area can be much higher than the hair used for coverage and coverage at the recipient area may be much less than expected from the graft number. You need to wait and see about this.

    4. The hairline is designed too optimistic compared to the modest graft number achieved. The transplanted area is much wider than the graft number normally deserves. Therefore, the expected density at the recipient area is low.


    I am sorry for the pessimistic evaluation of your situation, but we have a lot of experience in seeing situations like this, as Turkey is the world of technicians hair transplants.


    I wish you good luck.



    I wish I never read this but I already had a feeling they may have over harvested the donor area.


    I have been on antibiotics and have been using an antibiotic cream the red bumps have started to go down ( I think)


    I probably won't be able to just shave my head completely due to the scars and leaving the hair to grow will result in this "moth eaten appearance" I am screwed!


    I did regret this procedure from the very next day I had it done, just had a bad feeling about everything. :mad:



  2. The spots have been there for a while, if it was Folliculitis surely it would have cleared up by now?


    I am going to see my GP tomorrow and see if i can get some sort of antibacterial cream and maybe evan another dose of antibiotics.


    can they really over harvest across the entire region aint it usually localised?


    I must admit it it does not look so bad from a distance just a dodgy haircut but up close you can see the bumps and gaps.


    : (

  3. I am getting really worried now, I shaved my head so the sides and top look the same. Now the top has grown back as expected but the sides over a month later still looks bad. The pics below are with flash but you can still see the red spots/bumps and the gaps.


    I thought shock loss was hair not growing back in one particular area for me it seems across the entire region where the hair was taken.


    Has anyone experienced anything like this?



  4. Hey


    Thanks guys for the supportive and reassuring comments.


    I have included a recent pic below, from a distance and not much flash, I think its definitely improved from before I just hope its back to normal by the time i go home at the end of the month!


    When can I get a haircut to evan out the back with the rest? Can I use a razor? i am getting conflicting reports online.


  5. won't it be obvious if I have an infection?


    below is the only pic i have before the op showing a bit of the back so i definitely had more hair lol


    yeh that first pic was straight after the op, it was nasty i think they had a hard time getting my hairs and and just poked me all over the place. Ive still got little scabs on my donor area.


    Ive posted a pic of the transplanted area about 5 days post op, about 70% of the scabs/hairs have fallen off now



  6. Its called istanbul hair centre. Yeah my friends HT was fine no problems at all, intact most of the other guys I met at the centre were all healing pretty nicely.


    If I had another chance i would not have gone ahead with the HT, I honestly would rather be bold, what a waste of money!! I feel like I've made a huge mistake :(

  7. Can shockloss really be that severe i.e cover such a large area?


    I had the procedure done in Istanbul at Istanbul hair centre (based on a recommendation from a friend) not 100% sure how many grafts, I think around 2500.


    The first photo was taken the day after the op (27th) and I've included another pic below from today (10th day)


    I am starting to really regret why I evan considered this, the back of my head just looks horrible!! : ( and its the same on the side. :(



  8. Hi,


    its been 9 days since I had my fue procedure, Everything seemed fien apart from the recovery of the donor area which seemed particularly slow. from most pictures Ive seen the hair has regrown and covered any redness by the 6-7th day.


    I feel like the hair in my donor area is just not growing as it should and in some areas not growing at all, Ive posted a pic below just after the procedure and recently.




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