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Posts posted by Forest1975

  1. Hi mate I did have a 1880 grafts fue done on 14th April this year I cant say anything about results yet but everything else consultation pre op treatment op and post op went really smooth painless full pro surgeon and his four lovely chicks are top notch everything did go as even better than I've imagined

  2. Hi I've booked my ht with dr saifi in spring 2015 I've seen that people are happy with outcomes of his art.Iam trying to contact some of his previous patients to share some light on what should I expect after surgery I will have around 2000grafts by fue any thoughts or advice will be highly appreciated thanx mate

  3. Hello everyone that's a great result iam impressed honestly. But can you say something more about this surgeon please ?I am considering him but dont know which of them two methods FUT and FUE I shoukd choose .I've seen his FUT masterpieces but I don't know how good is he in performing FUE i will appreciate any word of advice as Iam new to this site and quite desperate to get back whatever nature took away from me .Many thanks in advance gents

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