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Posts posted by future-ht

  1. Transection can occur at the upper half or lower half of the follicle, also in follicular units there could be 2 transacted follicles with one intact follicle.


    Here's another older study that highlights the differences in growth beetween follicles transected from the upper half horizontally and lower half horizontally, is there any particular reason this is of interest to you? Just curious




    because i don't want to waste donor grafts

  2. the study posted above had regrowth of transections at around 65% or something like that


    of course that was with one dr and with one patient


    im sure the regrowth rate is dependent on the dr. and his techique


    btw, we are talking about transection during FUE extraction, where the top part is broken off but the bottom remains.

  3. I talked to one Dr., and he said if the transection rate during surgery is too high, he would stop the operation.


    This made me think that transecting a follicle during FUE kills the follicle, depleting that source of donor hair. Even before this conversation, I thought transecting a follicle also kills the follicle.


    But then talking to another Dr. he stated that during FUE extraction, if there is transection the lower part of the follicle stays in tact and thus will grow back fully.


    Is this true?

  4. The yield percentage refers to what actually grows not what was implanted. There is no such thing as 100% yield in either method FUHT or FUE.


    And when you get into larger sessions, yes a 10% difference can be huge.


    And I agree that the method is only as good as the competency and efficiency of the surgeon who is practicing it.


    I know yield doesn't refer to the # implanted. I figured it was either transection rate or percent implanted that doesn't grow.


    Both have different implications

  5. does the % yield refer to implanted grafts that do not grow, or the transection rate.


    for example, lets say yield on FUT is 100% for 4000 grafts. if FUT is 10% better, that means FUE is potentially 3636 (3636 x 110% = 4000). The difference being 334 grafts either wasted or implanted and not growing. Quite a bit!


    I was all for FUT with Hasson, but I realize I will probably get a hypertrophic scar to some degree. This scares me I do not want a huge scar around my head, but at the same time I do not want to waste 5% - 15% of my hair

  6. Petersen is crap. I will say this until the day I die.


    He was in Beverly Hills in the late 90's. I was 18. He had a 500 grafts for $500 special. Not knowing better I took the leap.


    He had some assistant in training do my harvest and stitch me back up. Petersen did the implants. On top of a really horribly designed hairline, cobblestoning, my scar is about 1cm wide at the back due to stretching because it was taken below the occipital ridge.

  7. Dr. Diep writes on his videos FUT has a 5% to 15% better yield on average for growth and survival vs FUE.


    So, splitting the difference at 10%, on a 4000 graft, procedure, we are looking at 400 grafts being lost?


    What about when taking a strip, all the follicles that are on the border that are slaughtered by the incision? Also what about the dormant follicles (10% to 15%) that are discarded when creating FU's out of the strip? Wouldn't that just about make things even?

  8. Dont be ridiculous i have nothing against diep. i am actually interested in using him as my HT surgeon.


    However, I am trying to make sense of things and 2500 seems too little.


    Btw, I have been looking at a lot of H&W pics and their results are supposed to be one of the best and most of their results seem to need more.


    Btw that Konlor result's after pics has decent coverage but its greatly aided by the fact that the hair is dry, coarse, curly, and flat against the head.


    if it was wet it would make a big difference.

  9. Thanks for the info Dr. Diep.

    I think your website and marketing would be greatly improved with higher resolution pics, and a graft count for each picture so we know how many grafts it took





    1. What size is your punch?

    2. You didn't specify in your post. You said techs place the grats, but do you make the recipient sites or do your techs make the punches for recipient sites?

    3. Do you use nape hair for the hair line?

    4. What is the maximum density you can transplant?

  10. So from reading Dr. Diep's description above:


    1. He does not use the lateral slit method

    2. The techs place the grafts into the recipient site, but does Dr. Diep make the holes? I assume so.

    3. Bright harsh light such as a flash from the front can actually create more shadows and gives the illusion of density. The best way to make a comparison would be to use the exact same lighting conditions. In the before pics, soft light comes from above, which greatly illuminates the scalp giving a less dense appearance. The after pics you can see the surrounding light is dimmer because the wall color is darker, and then of course the flash creates dark shadows behind each hair, like instant toppik

  11. Dr. Diep in one of his videos made a comment that about 2500 grafts via FUE should be good to cover the front half of the scalp. In his videos he has excellent results. Very dense.


    I am a bit surprised


    Even if you were only able to pack 40 hairs/sq cm (which is considered on the low side), a standard American business card 8.9cm x 5.1cm = 45.39 sq cm would take 1815 grafts.


    That means 2500 grafts at 40 grafts/sq cm would give you about 1.38 business cards worth of coverage. Hardly enough to cover the front half of your head.


    Furthermore, you can look at photos on leading hair transplant clinics and 2500 doesn't seem to cover that much.

  12. FUE hair transplant restoration surgery result on Norwood 3A male pattern baldness of over 2,500 hair grafts transplanted by Dr. Diep after 1 year follow up. The surgery was performed personally by Dr. Diep, designing the hairline and pulling one hair graft at a time by himself within 1 day of work only. This client does not take Propecia nor use Rogaine. He is not on any medication. Please click on the following Youtube video link below.




    Does Dr. Diep use nape hair for the hairline?

  13. Hair Club and it's peers offer the custom made to your head - and you have to shave your head(!) - glue ons, yes. That a sizable investment if you want realistic and undetectable.


    But you are really only looking at a short term solution - right? I would just visit a wig shop and tell them what you want to accomplish. For limited use, why even bother though? - just get a sporty cap - everyone wears caps these days. At work, in restaurants, in bed.


    i cannot wear a cap at all occasions.

    i will look for a wig shop. thanks.

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