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Posts posted by avisp

  1. hello all


    i didn't get time to update my results . it was pending since long time .



    I intend to post pics very soon.




    after seeing my before surgery pictures , there is lot of improvement and feel quite satisfied that i have undergone FUE hair transplant by Dr Prashant Yadav at Pune , India . My hair transplant results are satisfactory and hoping that it will improve further .

  2. Background:

    I've been suffering with hair loss for the past 4 years now.My hair loss became very rapid after I moved to Singapore possible due to work, stress and other factors. After trying variety of over the counter products like most members here in this forum I decided to go for a HT to fix my hair.I spent last few months consulting various members on this forum as well as Dr prashant and his staff.


    Choice Of Clinic:

    I did my own reserach for few months on the forum as well as some patients recommended by Dr prashant.Of course I did consider few other clinics in India recommended by this wonderful forum.But finally decided to go with Dr prashant as I felt the quality offered was at par if not better and cost was half of what other clinics in India were charging per graft.In addition to this it would ensure i have good post operative care at comforts of my home rather than traveling to another part of India.


    Cost Per graft INR40 or US 0.64.



    Surgery: 30th March 2015

    I arrived at Dr Prashant clinic at 8am.After few pictures I was greeted by Dr. Prashant who shaved my hair down and drew the lines on my head.I was excited to start with my surgery thinking how my new hairline would look after a year.


    Surgery started at 9am and ended at 8pm with an hour lunch break at 1pm.

    total harvesting time 4 hours and planting grafts took about 7 hours.


    single graft 840

    double graft 2024

    triple graft 564

    Four graft 152


    Total graft 3580


    Although entire surgery went well and everything was organized with good hygiene standards I would have loved if clinic and surgery room was lot more bigger and cleaner.I did let Dr prashant know about this fact and he did promise he was looking for a bigger and better facility.:)





    Scabs were all of by Day 9 and growth seems to be good and donor area has healed too.But I do expect all transplanted hair to fall of which sounds a bit sad..

    Not I have to be patient and fingers crossed and hope my new hair line is what i envisioned.



    Please let me know you honest feedback on the attached Pics.






  3. It seem's like all marketing by people who work for him or are paid to give testimonials. There are no results posted by this doctor that are yet to be promising. Everything posted has been directly post op no more then a month out. Would like to see a patient before and after a year. I would stay far away from this guy if i was having my hair done for sure.



    I don't think that is the case..We are trying to find a good doctor for FUE in India..The doctor your recommended are for FUT.

  4. please send your mob. no

    Hi Guys,

    I would like to know more on Dr prashant since he seems to be the only doctor from West part of India being discussed here..I intend to get HT done in March 2015..I am trying to choose between Bhatti and prshant as they are both doing FUE..however Dr bhatti cost is a factor that I need to consider...

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