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Posts posted by iub

  1. My procedure with Dr. Bradley Wolf


    Background: As of about 10 years ago, I had a receded hairline. I had approximately 800 grafts to lower the hairline (this procedure was not with Dr. Wolf). The work was ok, but there was not enough density to blend in with my native hair behind the hairline area. Since that time, I have combed my native hair forward over the transplanted hair which provided a decent look but could sometimes look thin in the front depending on the day. I have not lost a significant amount of the native hair behind the hairline area (mainly due to the use of Propecia, I assume). Recently, I decided it was time to go ahead and finish the job by adding density to the frontal area in order to allow me to change hairstyles if desired and to provide a fuller look.


    I have spent a significant amount of time on these forums (and others) recently researching different doctors and advances in hair transplantation in general. Because of his reputation and proximity to me, I chose to consult with Dr. Wolf in Cincinnati. After meeting with him, I felt very comfortable because he has a very down to earth manner. There was definitely not a 'salesman' feel to him. We discussed my previous transplant, my expectations, the techniques that he used, etc. He discussed with me the pros and cons of strip vs. fue. He and I agreed that strip would probably be the best in my case because I already have a strip scar from my prior transplant. Although my strip scar was not too bad, he thought it could be improved with the trichophytic closure. He recommended approximately 1200-1400 grafts to complete the job on the frontal area. I scheduled the procedure.




    Surgery Day: On the procedure date, I arrived at Dr. Wolf's office at about 9:30 am. After taking pre-op pictures and going over the plan again, the procedure began. After getting the shots to numb the donor area, Dr. Wolf cut out the strip and handed it over to the techs to start cutting the grafts. He then stitched up the donor area. He spent a good amount of time extracting the donor strip and stitching it up the donor area. I felt like he was really spending the time to make sure that it was done properly.


    After numbing the recipient area, Dr. Wolf started to make the incisions. Approximately 1200 incisions later, some of the grafts were ready to be placed. The techs were still dissecting the rest of the strip.


    I don't know how long a 1200-1400 graft procedure would be at other clinics, but mine lasted from approximately 10 a.m. until close to 7 p.m. with breaks for lunch and other short breaks during the day. As Dr. Wolf only schedules one surgery per day, it seems that he and the techs were taking their time (efficient, but not hurried). Toward the end, I was getting antsy sitting in the chair.


    As I sit here in my hotel room approximately 3 hours after the surgery was completed, I feel pretty good. My recipient area is still slightly numb and the donor area feels a little tight but overall I feel ok.




    3 days postop: I haven't had much pain since the procedure. I did take some pain pills the first two days postop because of the tightness in the donor area. It feels much more normal today ??“ it doesn't feel nearly as tight. That said, I'll definitely be looking forward to getting the stitches out in about 9 more days.


    The top of my head still feels a little 'funny' (slightly numb). I assume that it's because the anesthetic hasn't completely worn off. It is getting less numb each day.


    My forehead has swelled a little bit but it doesn't look too bad (yet anyway). I have tried to sleep with my head elevated as instructed but that has been difficult for me.


    My recipient area is healing pretty well I think. There are small scabs around the graft sites as expected. I have been using the Graftcyte spray quite a bit which seems to help the healing process. I'm looking forward to being able to take a normal shower after a couple of more days which hopefully will help get the scabs to flake off.




    Looking forward: Based on my experience with Dr. Wolf, I feel confident that I'll have a good result once everything grows out.

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