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Posts posted by titansfan777

  1. Hello all,


    I had my surgery on November 26th, 2014, here were some pictures I took last year (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/179435-2000-fue-fix-frontal-area-monthly-update.html). After the surgery I started fin and have stayed on it since then, only missing a 2-3 days total of taking it in 18 months. I don't take anything else - although I will probably start some minoxidil for my crown (which is getting a little thin) in the next week or whenever I go to the grocery store next.


    Looking back, I don't know about you, but I think it was a bad decision to do the surgery. My hairline is uneven and looks thinner than before surgery was done. For 2000 grafts, I figured it would at least give me coverage so I would be confident again, however it has given me less confidence than ever and has absolutely shattered my self esteem. I avoid pictures with friends and others like the plague and think about it whenever I am out in public.


    My doctor has been MIA ever since the procedure - never calling, or checking up, and when I request photos of my pre-op for reference, he never sends them. I scheduled a 1 year follow-up to which he wasn't able to attend either. During the surgery, his assistants did 90% of the work as well, which bothered me too (for a full write up, hit the link above).


    Another issue is that ever since the procedure, the area where I had the transplant sheds like crazy. just gently running my hand over the hair makes them fall out like crazy (10-20 hairs in only a 1 or two brushes of my hand). It hasn't stopped since the surgery like I hoped either. The hair seems very wiry as well.


    Here are some pictures from a few hours ago. I should note that these pictures are taken in weaker light than the ones in my link above, and they hardly do justice to just how thin this hair is.










    What do you guys think of how it looks? So in your mind, would a 2nd HT by a much more reputable doctor (such as Bhatti in India, for example) be a good idea, or should I accept it as is? I would love to hear some input from you guys!

  2. Here is last month w/ better lighting



    Someone on another board suggested that maybe because I started finasteride right when I had the surgery and not a few months before, that the native hair went through shockloss and never grew back...and that the actual hair showing at this point is the hair from the surgery. Is that possible? And even so, that still seems like not a lot of hair - and certainly not 2k grafts worth, or am I crazy?


    Also, I did not establish this prior to surgery, but the doctor came down on his price by 40% (originally 2k grafts @ $10k) due to a misunderstanding. I ended up paying 6,000 for the surgery. However, is it appropriate to see about a refund if I get a second opinion and they see no positive outlook from this procedure?

  3. Well it has been 8 months as of next Wednesday. Honestly it looks even shittier now than before in my opinion. I honestly think this thing has been a failure as of this point. Hopefully I am a late bloomer and something up there happens in the next few weeks but at this point I am probably at the lowest I have ever been in my life. This has absolutely destroyed the self esteem of me. I am pretty much wanting to never go outside anymore and it has started to affect my social life. So far I would say my doctor and his technicians who did the surgery did a very shitty job. Maybe I am overreacting, but I truly am at my wits end. My doctor still hasn't responded to emails for my before pics and it has frustrated me so much. Can anyone see any growth? I feel like if anything, it has gotten worse in the last month alone. Anyone?









  4. Well it has been 6.5 months now roughly. Here are some pictures taken yesterday of what it looks like. The lighting isn't the best but it was all I had to work with. I also got a haircut since the long hair was kind of unmanageable and would clump in areas kind of which would expose scalp where I had surgery. I have an appointment for a (roughly) 9 month follow up scheduled in mid August. Having talked to others who have had the same surgery (but by different doctors) they feel it is looking rather pathetic at this point in time. Considering I had thicker hair before surgery and I haven't seen any real growth (I look daily), I am starting to side with them. I know your supposed to be patient, but the anger and frustration grows by the day. Currently, it has gotten to the point where I do not even like to leave the house really and I hate being in public. I hope things start to change soon, but at this time, I am thoroughly disappointed and miserable. I would love some input from the forum members if they see any improvement which I may be missing. I emailed my doctor who did the surgery to request my pre-op photos. He used to answer my emails before surgery - now, he hasnt responded to my last 2 emails. This seems rather rude, and I cant call him due to me working 3rd shifts.





  5. Here is 5.5 months. I hadn't cut my hair since surgery in late November. At this point I was getting frustrated with the lack of growth but understood it would take time to see results. My doctor visit one week prior included by doctor saying he saw lots of growth. This growth I did not see at all and even though I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, just off of memory, the result at this point was actually worse than what my hairline looked like before surgery. Here are the pics from 5/11/15:







  6. Yes, he is a general plastic surgeon. He does a few different procedures at his practice. I couldn't find any reviews on his hair transplants or a whole lot of info in general on him though. The 2 people that actually did my procedure were two technicians, with him coming in periodically to check up on the progress. I was actually very surprised he wasn't the one that was going to be doing the surgery and had no idea until he left after giving me the shots on my scalp to numb it. It didn't even seem like something I would need to ask. He ended up doing a little bit of the session towards the end (I passed out, but he was probably in there for an 2 hours or so while I was out). I will try and get some pictures on here tomorrow.

  7. When he saw me the other day, he said he saw progress. Obviously, I cannot get as good of a view as he does looking directly over my head, but I see no progress at all. I certainly don't want to slam the man especially since the surgery is still months away from maturity, but I am starting to wonder about how this surgery will turn out.

  8. I originally posted in the other forum, but I didn't have any pictures + I think it may have been the wrong place to post. Now I have pics! This is my 5.5 months since my Neograft surgery performed in San Antonio. Here pics as of tonight:


    This was my hair in the sink on post-op day 14 exactly:



    So, I am 24, and I had the FUE surgery the week before thanksgiving for 2000 grafts to restore my thinning hairline up front and about 2 inches back. My hairline had been thinning the last 3-4 years and I just felt it was time to do something about it. I wasn't too bald up front, but it was kind of noticeably thinner than the rest of my head, and I wanted to get it fixed before I graduate next spring.


    The neograft surgery and healing process was easy and I went by the book with the post-op instructions. All of the hair fell out on exactly the 14th day. All of it in one day, which was startling, yet I knew it should start shedding around then - I was just amazed it happened all in one afternoon (In my previous thread, I posted pictures of my sink with the hairs/crusts in it from that day in case anyone wants to see http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.co...ml#post2413904 ). I do take finasteride and have been since the day after the surgery and to this day continue to do exactly as my doctor has instructed. Suggested throwing Argan oil up there every once in a while to keep everything moisturized and I have done that as well.


    Anyway, I have been waiting patiently these last 5.5 months for the progress to start to visibly show, yet my hair looks noticeably worse it did prior to surgery. Shedding in the front half of my hair has also increased exponentially and has been crazy ever since a few weeks after the surgery. I can run my hand through my hair and when I look at my hand there are a dozen fairly long (inch or so) hairs between my fingers. It has been like this for months and has not slowed down a bit.


    2 weeks ago, my doctor said he saw lots of growth, and he would have a better view of it than I would looking at a mirror, but I do not see anything happening, not even when I really get up close and examine it. I asked if they were just very lightly colored thin hairs and he said no and that they were fairly dark and looked like normal hair.


    I know it wont be for about another year until everything is at full maturity, but at 5.5 months, I felt that I would see slight noticeable progress, or at lest feel some stubble starting to emerge from my scalp. So far, however, there has been nothing at all, and it is starting to be slightly concerning. Some people have said that they get small pimples in the recipient area not too long before the hair starts to emerge, but I have not had this yet.


    My doctor set up an appointment for an 8 month checkup for the beginning of August. Hopefully I see some real progress over this summer. I seem to be checking all over every day when I wake up (like a kid on christmas!) for any signs, but nothing yet. I understand this is a slow process to get hair back where I want it, but I am starting to get a bit concerned with the lack of progress so far. Should I be starting to be a little concerned yet or am I blowing things out of proportion?


    I unfortunately have no photos to post of me the day before surgery, but just looking in the mirror and comparing it to what I remember it looking like last fall is what I have relied on.


    I would love input from other people on the forum, and I plan on keeping this as a monthly update thread hopefully.

  9. So the day before thanksgiving I had 2,000 grafts done. I had a great surgery and everything went as planned.


    The recovery was easy and on day 10 I got a haircut. I instructed them to not touch the recipient area and she did a great job of not touching the area minus running the clippers over it accidentally right where it met with the regular hair. But she barely touched it so I didn't care, even though it made my heart skip a beat when she did it.


    Anyway, almost none of the scabs/crusts were falling off even with me washing it as instructed (wait 3 days after surgery, then use a cup of warm water + baby shampoo + lightly massaging). So I put a little argan oil on my hair before I went to bed yesterday and voila - all of the crust started falling off this afternoon.


    So I washed my hair this afternoon and all of the crust is off of my head...however, tons of hair came off with the crust - I mean I may have lost 500-1000. Some pieces had 2-4 hairs in them. I did not see anything that looked like a bulb at the end but the hairs were so tiny and my eyesight isn't the best. I am wondering how many hairs with the bulbs I lost?


    Anyway, I lost hundreds and hundreds of hairs all in one day here which seemed a bit over the top. I understand the hair will start to fall out around two weeks, but this just seemed startling to lose that many and right at two weeks on the dot. I figured I would lose a bunch every day for a couple of weeks, but not half of it in only the span of one afternoon. Has this happened to anyone here? And if so, what did they say/what did you find out? Is this normal?





    Pictured below is a picture of my sink. I cleaned it out a few times today as I washed my hair, and each time was like what is pictured. Just tons of hair falling out in addition to the crust.



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