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Posts posted by microman

  1. Hi Guys,


    Thanks for the replys.



    Some memers of the family are thining, some are not... 10 kids about a 50/50 all the same


    i do understand that i would need to shave for fue, i do shave it all when i can be bothered but i do not like the look now its so thin on top.

    I would have said that i had very slowly lost on fin, so may need to jump on dut such as sujested.


    I do know that 1x3000 grafts will not be the only lot i need in my lifeif i did go down this rout.

  2. Hi guys, sorry for the delay in responding to this.

    Well i had a quick trip up today and thought id share the pics with you:

    As you can see, flat it looks ok, wet.... its a bloody mess lol


    Any way im wating to get a UK consult with DR Basisnga just so he can have a look up close and give some advice on what his hands can do with this...


    Thanks in advance for any advice





  3. Hu guys,


    Long time thiner sadly!

    I have been on fin and minox foam for what feels like a life time 6-7years, i have spoken with a few clnincs and would just like to see what you lot say.


    Idealy i am looking to have fue into the temple areas, this will give a more normal hair line so i can grow it out without it lookin silly.


    Please feel free to share your thoughts on this, i know that it would ber silly to try and sort the thining on the crow at this stage.... at a later date;)






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