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Posts posted by kensington

  1. Nice to see someone older in my age range checking out transplant. Most of these forum posts seem to be people in their late 20's to 30's. I assume our older age drawback is the slower growth and healing time. Our advantage is the hair loss pattern is more set and wondering what other advantages and disadvantages we have at older age for hair transplant?

  2. The local injections are traded among the doctor and assistants. There is a crew of assistants with the lead taken by the most experienced.


    The doctor, who is the medical director will take the donor hair grafts. This is the most important and critical part of the procedure. The doctor will perform the incision sites within the recipient areas.


    The transfer of the grafts in the recipient is overseen and partly done by the doctor. The assistants and the doctor share a given amount of time to complete this work. During this time, the procedure is phased because, in our protocol, we limit the amount of time the grafts are out of the scalp or without blood supply.


    Hair transplant specialists and hair transplant doctors should be exclusively dedicated to hair transplant surgery.


    How long can they be without blood supply?

  3. Ahhhh......redness and bumps.




    I know this story very well.


    My redness still exists several years later - most people don't notice until I point it out; but I of course notice it every day. And if I step out of a hot shower.... :P





    Interesting because your pictures (Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos) look great. Do you have fair skin? I heard that takes longer but never heard it to be years.


    I have fair skin and your post gives me good feedback on the post op challenges if I decide to do my first HT.

  4. It sounds like the questions I need to ask are:

    1 -who does the anesthesia

    2 -harvesting from donor

    3 - slit making in recipient

    4 - implants of grafts in recipient

    5 - is HT the Doctor's full time work or do they do other plastic surgery


    Please let me know of other questions to ask because I am going to schedule appointments with 2 Doctors very soon.



  5. Is it normal for the Doctor's assistant/support to put in alot of the FUE hairs if getting over a 1,000 transplant? I would assume that is a lot of manual labor and the Doctor doesn't do all the 1,000 or more transplants. Does the Doctor stay in the area and provide guidance and oversee the entire manual labor?

  6. I wonder why patients don't opt to trim the hair before surgery!

    Atleast the even hair looks better!

    Anyways work looks good...


    I have been doing alot of research to see if at my age of 52 with very fair skin should consider HT for Norwood 3V moving to 4V scale. I prefer to not cut my hair before so I can "hide" the right after surgery looks that includes post op redness that will probably last 6 months or more for pale fair skin. Please advise if that is a common practice or does it effect the end result?

  7. I would hope the same, and possible but slow growers are generally,


    1- Older ages,

    2- Long standing total baldness,

    3- Top crown area transplant

    4- Racially poor donors (Indians, central Asians people)

    5- Major FUE operations over large areas with more than 4000 grafts.



    Caucosian, front area transplant, young age, incomplete hair loss over transplanted area, all favorable conditions; the growing shouldhave been much better at 6th mos. If I am not wrong with the pictures, there is still almost nothing here. Looks like after 3rd mos.


    Anyway, lets wait and see 9th mos.


    I am 52, with dark hair and very light skin caucasion. My hair loss started to show when i was around 39. Will I be candidate for slow growth if doing HT?

  8. I also dont see alot in this forum about DC or Maryland doctors. Can we get feedback about Dr Lindsey and Dr Vogel or others in the DC/Maryland area? It would be great to get feedback from HT patients of DC/Maryland doctors.


    I been researching for almost a year and would prefer to stay local for my HT but also want the best doctor.




  9. I see alot of great hair transplant results for younger people in 20's and 30's but not many from people in my early 50's age range. I have a Norwood 4V pattern that really started to show when I was 39 years old.


    I am hesitant to do this kind of surgery in my early 50's that will probably be longer healing, scab time and older (weaker?) scalp.


    Please advise if transplant results depend on age where younger people have better resluts??

  10. I also wondered why not alot of Dr Lindsey posting on this site. Just assumed many people in DC area dont do transplants or travel somewhere else.


    I am considering going to him since he is very close and havent heard any bad results about his work.


    What is the clinic in MD that is not recommended?


    Also does Dr Lindsey do FUE or it depends on the patient hair pattern?

  11. Thank you all for your comments. I have already been to doctor Lindsay once. My experience with him was not a good one so he is off of my list. Any other recommendations besides doctor Lindsay?


    Please advise why you didnt have a good experience with Dr Lindsey?


    I am 52 and have never seen a Doctor about Hair Transplantation. My next step was going to schedule an appointment with Dr Lindsey.

  12. True.

    ..... jet black coarse hair on white skin. Cases like this require higher density in one pass with no "transition zone" of low to high density but even then it can be more difficult to avoid a pluggy appearance under close scrutiny due to the nature of the hair.



    I am 51 years old and have jet black course hair with very white skin. Does that mean most likely a future transplant will produce that awful pluggy appearance in the my front area? I assume there must be some doctors who have experience with black hair white skin contrast and I am looking for someone in the Washington DC area.


    Please advise

  13. I am 51 years old with fair white skin with dark jet black hair that is curly and thick. Unfortunately I dont have gray hair yet to get better contrast with my pale skin. I have thinning loss of hair in the front that I would like to get transplant with around 2500 hair graphs. From my research online, it looks like dark hair and light skin is not a good candidate and might look like hair plugs. Please advise.

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