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Posts posted by acegik

  1. Hello guys.


    Here are my 4,5 month update photos.



    They counted my surviving grafts from the first procedure to something around 99%.


    I think my donor looks really good after 9000 grafts have been extracted, and the transplanted hair is starting to look really good as well.


    Another thing that has helped is switching from finasteride to dutasteride. I kept loosing a lot of hair on fin even after 4-5 years, but as soon as i switched to dut, the shedding has stopped, and my hair has thickened up a lot in the crown and midscalp.






  2. What are the back and sides cut prior to Op 2 in your pic? If you are happy to grow sides to 1Cm, what made you disregard FUT if you don't mind me asking?


    No idea, but they were pretty short. It was a fade, so longer hair in the high parts with decreasing length the lower you go.


    Never wanted FUT no matter what, you never know if you wanna have a buzz cut in the future, and 2-3 long and big scars in the back of my head is not gonna look good and would scream HT. Homogenous thin hair allover the back and sides from FUE can easily blend in when the hair just has a little length to it, and just look like a normal person who has natural thin hair.

  3. Thank you acegik for the wonderful pics. You should get a stellar result, but your pics show that FUE does indeed leave scarring. A nice, honest assessment showing that there are limitations regardless of extraction method. As a potential candidate this helps tremendously.


    Thank you, I hope so. Of course you can see some white dots when the head is shaven almost to the bone, but if the hair just has a little length to it, it covers it up perfectly and is not noticeable. You can check my other thread here, where it shows my donor looks very full when the hair is around 1 cm long. But again, I had a thick donor to begin with... I am also nervous to find out how it will look now after 9000 grafts :P

  4. Hey acegik, I had a little more than 5000 grafts with Dr. Erdogan last March and have about as many remaining grafts as you. I was planning on going back for another round. Was there any difference in the second procedure that you could tell? Thanks for your help. Looking forward to your progress!


    No difference really, only that I this time knew how the procedure was, so everything was not "new" to me. The staff was super friendly and professional as always, and everything was exactly the same as last time.

  5. Good luck to you my friend. I am concerned whether any shock loss could be permanent. As you had an great deal of hair before your first transplant anyway.


    I know what you mean; I usually get a grade 1 hair cut and my scars are hardly seen. But any shorter, the scarring is partially visible.


    I would not jump on dut. Studies have shown there is not much difference between fin and dut. There are more risks and side effects regarding dut than fin. The creators of propecia actually tested their own verison of dut in a clinical trial but stopped it as they found no additional/ better benefit than using dut from fin.


    I hope you have an great result! Your in good hands


    It is hard to tell if it was permanent shockloss or just continued hairloss, because I am still loosing a lot of hair every day even on propecia. My pre op photos from before any transplant actually make my hair look better than it was. All the hair on top was miniaturized, and didn't give good coverage. But yes i agree that a lot of it has been lost since the transplant.


    Thank you, I hope so indeed as it is my last chance at improving my hair :D

  6. So you went for it! Well congrats anyway. Can't wait to see your pics. So that is it then? No more donor left?


    Yes i did, Im a man of my words :D. I can't wait either, but unfortunately atleast another 9-10 months before I can see the real result :(


    Naaah I dont care about the donor, rather hair on top than on the back. As long as the donor is not see-through when the hairs are +2cm long, I dont really care about it.

    I would say if I were to really really push it, I could maybe take another 500-1000 grafts from my head donor, and probably around 1000 beard grafts, so around 1500-2000 extra grafts in case I need it for the crown in the future.


    Also switching to dutasteride soon, finasteride is not working so good for me.

  7. Hi Everybody.


    I have previously had a 5000 graft hair transplant with Dr. Erdogan 15 months ago, as you can see in this THREAD


    I am very satisfied with the results from the 1st transplant, but because of the extent of my hairloss (NW5-6), and further hairloss since the hair transplant 15 months ago, I decided to use the remaining of my donor hair to increase the density overall. I had great donor hair to begin with, around 8000 available grafts before any transplant. But after the first transplant of 5000 grafts, the Doctor said he could extract another 4000 grafts (totalling 9000 grafts), even though I had hoped for another 5000 grafts :rolleyes:


    I will update this new thread with the ongoing results of the 2nd hair transplant that I have just received.


    Here are my 15th month results after the FIRST operation of 5000 grafts:


    Dry hair:










  8. Wow .. With another 3000 this will be a top result ! Are you in meds ? Did you have consultations with any other clinics ? If so what were there thoughts ? I ask because I am torn between 2 surgeons lorenzo 2200 grafts , erdogan 4000 grafts !!!


    Just wondering if erdogan quoted you higher than other clinics and his reasons ?




    Yes I have been on finasteride for 3-4 years, just recently added minox again 3 months ago. No other clinics, Dr. Erdogan first quoted me 3500 grafts from my photos through email, but when I arrived at the clinic he said I would need atleast 4500 grafts, because the photos may my hair look fuller than in real life, so I decided to do 5000 grafts which was the maximum they could do on 2 days.


    I have seen most of Lorenzo's results on youtube, and they look AMAZING! But again the price difference is huge and 4000 grafts will of course look two times denser than 2000 grafts ;). I also considered Lorenzo, but I can not afford him with the number of grafts I needed.

  9. Yea you look to have great donor hair , I'm in a similar loss to you but my hair is fine in texture , so doubt I'll have 10k grafts to work with , how many more grafts are you adding next pass ? What were doctor erdogans thoughts on your future loss ?


    I would love to add 4000 grafts so I am set for life :D, but it depends if I have enough donor hair, but probably something like 3000 grafts would be enough to give more density to midscalp and crown.


    The doctor said that I will probably become NW6 because of my hair loss pattern at such a young age, but with my 8-9000 grafts donor I could get around 40 grafts/cm2 allover, and that is good enough because my original density was 70 grafts/cm2, so it will be more than 50%,

  10. Wowza ... Looking great , have you got any white dot scaring in the donor area ?


    Thanks :)


    No not any that I know of, but its difficult to see with my hair in the back being so long. I can take some photos of the donor when I go for the second round in a few months. My hair in the back is still so thick even after 5000 grafts, I think I could easily do another 5000 grafts without it being even close to depleted :D

  11. Wow! Only at 9 months. You was worried for no reason. This will get better and better. By the 12 months it will be even more thicker. I suspect you will see the crown improve by the 18 month. Crown is always slow due to blood flow. I just cannot wait for my second round with Dr Erdogan!


    Yes it has become much better than at 5-6 months, and hopefully the crown will improve even further the next couple of months. I will probably need another pass for midscalp and crown for 2-3000 grafts :)

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