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Posts posted by trueguy14

  1. I don't want to bad mouth any of the SMP companies out there , however I would like to give you some advice.... First when dealing with a person who is about to do your scalp . Ask how long have they themselves been doing SMP's,ask for photos of the client's he or she have done (if possible) have one come by to see them in person. The hardest part is getting the hair line to look natural if they screw up you will hate yourself . Check for BD of health license ,business license other credentials such as (Tattoo Tech) Trust me its for your own protection. There are companies that are not really telling the truth. ask about the ink, what kind of needles they use. Some of the post that I have seen are from companies and friends of companies praising their work and Company... This is my first post so I will keep it clean for now. Still investigating other stuff...

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