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Posts posted by rdawg1234

  1. I wouldn't get ahead of yourself as most if not all of those doctors would turn you away.


    Red flag number one: you are balding early on in your life and could rapidly progress to a NW6 or 7 (you already display a NW6 type pattern).


    Red flag number two: you say those pictures are a year old and you are now a bit thinner. Well in that case the meds have not stabilized your loss.


    Red flag number three: you still have a decent amount of hair in the hairline. Trying to work in and around it may just shock the hairs out and you're back to square one and $12,000 poorer.


    Red flag number four: you are mentioning cost. You need to have the financial means for 2 or 3 procedures in the next 5-6 years. That's $35,000+


    Well anyway you should contact all the doctors mentioned and/or their representatives. As hard and as difficult as it seems you may be better holding off 2 or 3 years and waiting for one big procedure.


    From what I've seen people who try to chip away at baldness (with several small procedures) seem to get the worst results. I don't know why but they seem to end up chopping and changing doctors and being dissatisfied with each result. I could be wrong but that's the impression I get from reading experiences on here.




    Thank you very much for the response, would love to hear other responses as well. I was kind of getting this idea as I searched for other cases similar to me.


    I think im going to get on DUT in the next couple weeks, the #1 priority is stabilizing the loss, while FIN has definitely helped ALOT(i was shedding like mad before starting fin) and slowed it considerably, I can honestly say my hair is very slowly widdling away, i think without fin i wouldve been NW5 by now, but with fin ill probably get there by 25-26.


    So i gotta get on DUT it seems! and then a year from now if my hair is the same or improved i will definitely be getting an HT


    hopefully something like CB or something else experimental comes out soon as well to help with stabalization.


    anyway thank you for the help, was just looking for an honest opinion:)

  2. Hi there, I'm a 23 year old(well ill be 23 when I get one!) diffuse thinner and I've been considering a transplant for well over a year, especially recently.


    Im currently a NW3V, however I've been on Finasteride and Rogaine for over two years and it has considerably slowed my loss as I was a NW3 back when I first started. The loss has continued slightly, however my hair is still pretty much the same as it was back then!


    moving on, I've been losing my hair since abotu 17-18 years old, at first it wasnt bad as I shaved my head and the hairline was fine, but as it thinned out it really start to hurt my confidence!


    Ultimately, now that I have some money to work with to afford one, I was looking for general recommendations from the forum here.


    1. What are the best doctors based on credibility AND price? Im in the Toronto area, and have so far read a lot of good things about Dr. Rahal(but he's the most expensive), Shapiro and Konier, any more in the Eastern Region of US/Canada would be very appreciated. I can afford it, however I would of course like good value, i.e Shapiro is probably about 3-4000 cheaper than Rahal although rahal is supposed to be one of the best!


    2. I'll post some pictures but how many grafts do you think I would need? I'm looking for a realistic slightly receded hairline, I dont want super thick hair, I just want a solid hairline and some thickness added throughout, 1500-2000? or more?


    3. any other general recommendations would be very appreciated, I'm looking to get this done in February 2015.


    34thsinchhair3weeks.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    halfinchhair3weeks.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    halfinchhair3weeksside-1.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    Note: this is from a year and a half ago and my hair is slightly thinner.


    So is it a waste of time? Should I go for it? I will be adding DUT to my regime to further help stabalize my loss if possible, would it be worth it then?


    Thanks for the help guys!

  3. As a 23 year old I would advice you to hold off.

    I have been on this forum for 10 years now and from my limited experience you are not a good candidate.

    Diffuse thinning is hard to fix with a HT and you may even loose more hair than you gain due to shock loss. Getting a HT that young is very likely to make you disappointed down the line as your hair loss continues and you run out of donor hair.


    I know I sound negative and someone else here may have a different perspective on things. If you don't mind a shaved head perhaps its worth looking into SMP. Seems to do wonders with diffuse thinners but of course it limits you to a shaved head which for some defeats the purpose of doing anything in the first place.


    I find SMP's look ridiculous, might as well colour your head with a black marker.


    Is it really that bad to do even if I Stabalize the loss? I plan to add dutasteride to my regime in the next couple weeks to see if it will further help.


    essentially I'm saying i've definitely slowed the loss a lot already, is it really that bad of an idea to get an HT now? I'd rather have some hair then zero hair down the line.

  4. Hi there, I'm a 23 year old(well ill be 23 when I get one!) diffuse thinner and I've been considering a transplant for well over a year, especially recently.


    Im currently a NW3V, however I've been on Finasteride_Rogaine for over two years and it has considerably slowed my loss as I was a NW3 back when I first started. The loss has continued slightly, however my hair is still pretty much the same as it was back then! Plus I may add DUT to my regime to further maintain if that may be an issue.


    moving on, I've been losing my hair since abotu 17-18 years old, at first it wasnt bad as I shaved my head and the hairline was fine, but as it thinned out it really start to hurt my confidence!


    Ultimately, now that I have some money to work with to afford one, I was looking for general recommendations from the forum here.


    1. What are the best doctors based on credibility AND price? Im in the Toronto area, and have so far read a lot of good things about Dr. Rahal(but he's the most expensive), Shapiro and Konier, any more in the Eastern Region of US/Canada would be very appreciated. I can afford it, however I would of course like good value, i.e Shapiro is probably about 3-4000 cheaper than Rahal although rahal is supposed to be one of the best!


    2. I'll post some pictures but how many grafts do you think I would need? I'm looking for a realistic slightly receded hairline, I dont want super thick hair, I just want a solid hairline and some thickness added throughout, 1500-2000? or more?


    3. any other general recommendations would be very appreciated, I'm looking to get this done in February 2015.


    34thsinchhair3weeks.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    halfinchhair3weeks.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    halfinchhair3weeksside-1.jpg Photo by Rdawg1234 | Photobucket


    Note: this is from a year and a half ago and my hair is slightly thinner.


    Thanks for the help guys!

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