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Posts posted by sausage

  1. I'm 37 and have been receding for around 5 years. I used regaine which seemed to slow down the process but got to a stage where I looked better if I just shaved it all off. I was willing to pay for transplants and started googling. Came across Mr Shahmalak and noticed he had done a few celebrities, had links to Harley street so thought I'd be in safe hands and booked a consultation.



    I found Mr. Shahmalak to be very down to earth and quiet friendly. After a little small talk he asked me what I'd like to achieve to which I replied a fuller head of hair using FUE. He stood behind me, stroked the top of my head and said he could give me what I wanted.


    We talked about propecia and I informed him I couldn't take due to other medication. He said I'd need 4400 grafts in 2 sessions. He usually charges 5 pounds per graft but from my info he could see I wasn't on a big income and said he'd be willing to do it at 4 pound per graft. The first session would be the front half, be 2700 grafts and cost 10,800 pound. He said I'd have to wait a year to see if the first session was successful and then come back for a further 1700 grafts at a cost of 6,800 pounds



    After my consultation I got back on google and found this site. After reading lots of reviews I then booked an appointment with Dr Bisanga, found a return same day flight for ?84 and set off to Belgium.



    Dr Bisanga and his staff were very friendly. He went into lots of details about hair and hair transplants explaining every part of the process and how things work. He put an instrument on my head which magnified my folicals on a screen in front of me and showed me I had very limited donor and retrograde alopecia. He took measurements from my donor area, did some calculations and told me I could only harvest 4000 grafts from my donor area and this was using a mixture of FUE and FUT technique. If I couldn't start using prepecia immediately then eventually I'd need 6000 grafts which wasn't possible so basically accept the fact that I'm going to be bald.



    I'm so glad I found this site and read all the good things about Dr. Bisanga. I can't imagine how I'd feel and looked if I'd gone ahead and spent 17,600 pounds with Asim Shahmalak.



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