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Posts posted by topside

  1. Here are a couple of immediate post-op pictures of my second transplant. As originally stated most of my recent transplant was focused entirely on my impoverished left side, in addition to a lowering of that sides hairline. For my circumstance, I like the concept. As time goes on, I will share more photos...


    Also, I noticed that I began to shed transplanted hair beginning exactly three weeks post-op, as of 26 day's days out, I still have significant number of HT hairs remaining. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, sometimes, I wonder if the sooner they are out, the sooner they will regrow.



  2. Which side was implanted first? (ie. did one side have the grafts outside the body longer)


    Do you have post op pics from your second procedure?


    I assume both were FUTs?


    Yes,,, both were FUT's, I do have pictures and I have been meaning to provide them. especially since, I requested from my doctor what I feel is an unconventional approach. I would like to share and receive others input as time goes on. Basically, I have not changed my hair style in 40+ years and for optimum effect requested an asymmetrical HT, for lack of a better term. I will provide pictures as soon as I can.


    My first hair transplant was done by two techs and they were transplanted within a very reasonable time period. After further research and consultation, I'm confident my issue was specific to the technical abilities of one of the technicians.






    I highly regard your input, many thanks...


    This is my second time around and since I have experienced issues with my first, I can't help being overly cautious and nervous. I may not have a third opportunity.


    Your assessment is proving accurate, the swelling and redness is subsiding and I'm beginning to see the surgical line, I was thinking I had scar stretching, infection and so on.


    I'll provide pictures soon.


    Thanks again for the peace of mind...

  3. Thanks again farmkat.


    Can anyone let me know if my donor scar area is healing normally?


    My surgery was performed on 09/26/14 and my stitches were removed on 10/03/14, on 10/04/14 I inspected my donor area for the first time and was very concerned with an approximately 3" section of my donor area. I have been using bacitracin since day one and per recommendation have been washing my hair and using very lightly applied Kelo-cote twice daily since 10/06/14.


    The first picture is of 8 day's post-op and the two other are from 18 day's out(10/15/14).


    It seems that I experienced some surgical trauma, since I have much worse healing and considerable hair loss on only one side. I'm convinced I'm not normal. haha


    I looked at several, 3 week post-op picture's of donor area's scar's and they look much better then mine, should I be concerned? is there something I'm doing wrong or can I do something different to help myself?




  4. Yes, it was two Techs, neither still work there.


    Was it on this site that you read about that? I haven't come across cases as extreme as mine. Nevertheless,,, I'm leaning toward what you have stated and the fact that the senior Tech that preformed this procedure and the Doctor where very confident this last go around. Originally, I thought there was something wrong with the left side of my head. haha


    Many thanks for the response/well wishes and good luck to you as well...

  5. It took many years of contemplating, preparing and then finally delving into getting a hair transplant. Yeehaa! So, finally, on September of 2012, I went through with it. Unfortunately, it didn’t go so well for me on the first go around, for some reason only one side responded favorable. After two years of looking in the mirror and waiting for the other side to catch up, I went for the second round of somewhere around 2700 more follicles last week (09/26/2014). Most all work was focused on the weak side.


    With the help of many on this site I’ve learned so much in the last several weeks, therefore I wanted to share my experience and photo’s, as time goes on, perhaps some can give me some feedback on what they think about my progress.


    The first photo’s are from the summer of 2012 just prior to my first HT of approximately 3380 follicles followed by some post-op photo’s.


    Early photo’s are mainly from the top view, I realize now I should have covered more angles.






  6. I spent a considerable amount of time this weekend reading and gathering information from this site. It's awesome the way people come together to share information. Thanks!


    My second transplant is scheduled this Friday, it seems I'm more excited now, then my first procedure.


    I'll cut to the chase, most of all procedure's that I have noticed are balanced and symmetrical. Since, I've had the same basic hair cut my entire life, what would be your perspective on a HT specifically designed for one hair style? I would like to optimize my next procedure by concentrating on one side, would this be a mistake and why?


    Thanks in advance!

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