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Posts posted by Kozakow

  1. I hear you guys. Trust me i am not in denial. I have spent stupid amount of time looking at the back of my head, i took prob 100's pics.I think the light and camra flash make it look funny.

    What i have found is that when my hair is wet right out of the shower it really looks just how my hair parts. The people i asked i pressed them really hard for honest opinions. I know like my family would lie tome but my barber and friends i don't think would, i pressed them pretty hard. They all said i was nuts.


    Also i have looked at a lot of old pics, front hair line is the same as 5-7 years ago. The fact that i don't lose any hairs and that my hairline is the same makes me think it might be all in my head.


    I am not saying that i won't ever go bald, but based on the all the stuff i have looked at i am not balding yet, and if i am based on age (almost 30) i will not bald fast.


    I am alerted to the issue, and will be keeping an eye on it. For now i don't think i have lost any hair, i am going to keep checking it, and when i have a better idea if i am really losing hair i will think about doing something. But based on everything i have read and seen i am not at that point yet.

  2. I hear what your all saying, but after getting a 2nd, 3rd 10th (barber, friends and family) opinion from some people i am pretty unsure if i do in fact have baldness at all. I don't really lose any hair at all, and everyone who looked at it in said it was nothing (after they laughed at me), people who i trust to tell me the truth. I have sadly been looking at every guy i see hairline and crown, and i am starrting to think that is a cowlick to how my hair parts.


    So at this point i don't want to take a drug for the rest of my life when no one knows what the side effects of long term use are.I think i might have just freaked out more than i should have because my moms grandpa was bald.I think instead of freaking out i should just keep an eye on it till i am sure if it is even baldnes at all.


    I thank everyone for their advice, really appreciate the input.

  3. Thanks a lot for all the help guys. I don't really feel like my spot looks bad now.I still have pretty thick hair overall, or so most people say. I have had a lot of people look at, they all say it looks worse in the pics than it does in real life. Most people i had look it don't think its anything. No one in my family history went bald early, everyone has hait except my garndpa on my moms side and he did not start losing it till his 40's.However i would rather be safe than sorry. I think i am going to take your advice and jump on the rogain/ nizoral shampoo, which seems to have min side effects.

  4. thanks alot for the input. I think i am going go down to shoppers drugmart and grab some rogaine. I just don't want to be bald by the time i am 30, i don't think i won't mind as much at 40 or w/e, i can just buzz it off and live with it. Any input just best guess if i will bald in the next 3 years or am i looking at a longer time frame.Family note- my grandpa on my moms side was bald but still had a fair amout of hair into his 40's 50's and still had some hair on top till he died., my dads hair is thining but he is still in good shape at 60, and my grandpa on my dads side had no baldness, same with great grandpa on moms side.

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