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Posts posted by Headon

  1. Sean, I totally agree with you. I had recently been operated by Dr. Erdogan and had time to chat with him after surgery.


    I myself learned the hard way in order to get to the point I am now. 3 strip surgeries (one with Dr. Feller) and the latest, the FUE procedure with Dr. Erdogan. After educating myself, I had one last shot. I saw several doctors recommended here, but I have to say (until now) I feel like I made the right choice.


    He is a very honest and ethical doctor, extremely experienced and specialized and it doesn't seem to me he is defending his point of view because of an agenda, based on his practice only. He truly believes FUE causes less trauma to patients and that manual is extremely superior, making possible for the tech to extract following the direction of the follicle and causing much less scaring as the punch is smaller (0.7mm). He explained that to me in detail that the scarring area is expanded (doubled) when using motorized extraction.


    He even explained that many people criticize him for not doing the extractions and implantation of the grafts. He does the incisions himself. Delek (his partner) and specialist can extract 21 grafts per minute. She has been doing this everyday, for the past 15 years. A good doctor is like a maestro and can manage a great team of techs.


    Point is, if the result is good, this really is irrelevant. I rather have and amazing job done this way by his clinic, that have surgery with another doc doing the extractions and placing grafts, but not having a satisfactory result.


    Indeed many interests behind the scenes, and only we can stand up for ourselves. This is an excellent website, but only we can live with our decisions and should know what's best for ourselves.


    I was also in doubt before choosing him instead of Lorenzo, as I had preconceived ideas about having surgery in Istanbul. I had no idea how professional he was and he gave me hope. So let's hope for the best now as the result seen above. And I wish you the best of luck.


    PS: I saw many patients coming out of surgery and results where always consistently clean and impressive.


    Another great feedback and very valuable information for me as it confirms that I have made the right decision.


    I personally have been reading threads on this website behind the scenes and I must say in 1 year 2 doctors caught my eye... at first I was very adamant in my mind Dr Hakan was the DR because I got the impression at first that his motorised punch was meant to cause less scaring and shock loss. But from what I have discovered recently thanks to this forum is that was not the case. Even if someone believes otherwise this is what I believe in.


    It may seem expensive compared to other Turkish practices out there however depending on how you look at it to me its worth it for a good quality service with a peace of mind.


    I am originally from Turkey but have lived in UK all my life. I am already process in booking a meeting with Dr Koray so I can get a first hand information and good thing I can speak Turkish as well which helps lol.


    This forum is the best out there a mile and thank you for everyone involved including DR's/Admins/Mods/and members.

  2. Californian, I dont know what crack your on but when you wake up in the morning please read everything you said and realise your acting up and funny you mentioned psychology... maybe subconsciously you know you should consider getting some help bud.


    I dont know BURSA but have seen some of his posts and he seems to me a good fair guy who wants to help. However looking at your posts since I have registered here you have contributed nothing but negetivity in this forum....


    Perhaps the moderators should keep an eye on you...


    I am ending it here as I dont feel this conversation is getting anywhere or doing anyone any favours so you can shout and cry as much as you want.

  3. Are you sure you are native in English too? :)

    This thread was started by Dr. Koray and his team, why do they need your attention? Don't they follow up their own threads and reply member's questions? See Ko has asked many times: "Why does this clinic keep posting wet before photos?"

    Bring it up their urgent attention, send mail, run, we are all waiting....


    Californian you must be really bored, and looking at all your posts, if anything YOUR looking for attention.. and the funny thing is you really try hard to sound like a smart ass on Dr Korays threads like you got something stuck up somewhere, so I suggest you review your tone, and cocky wierd attitude on his and other this forum in general.


    Seriously your point and critisizm is welcome but dont speak like your some preffesor that knows best.


    If anything NONE of your posts or info that I have researched on these forums for the past months I find is helpful and your critizm is just that, nothing else.. not FACT....so if anything you are just cluttering Dr Koray's threads with jibberish...


    None of your posts are helpful/useful at best sounds like you are really unhappy with your life and your replies sound like your trying to out smart people like your something special. Your not helping no one nor your self, sound like a really sad person. I feel for you. you are not doing anyone favours.


    I think you should go find a better hobby m8

  4. If you read the thread then you would understand the journey for the guy in the OP has not finished his journey then...


    The wet before pictures dont bother me much to be honest, to me it shows which areas are thin and I can clearly see a good transformation to my own standards/expectations of the OP. But when I do arrange to see Dr Koray and his team I will bring it up to his attention.


    It helps that his surgery hospitcal is 10 -15 minuits away from my house in Istanbul and can speak the native Turkish language too as I was born there but grew up in UK.

  5. What a transformation... love the work. I know he has used wet pictures again on this one but at least the hair styles can be compared from wet to wet look. You can tell the difference and probably can see the weak thinning areas when wet so I am guessing that is why.


    But at least a WET to WET picture is comparable and there is some DRY pictures too but no DRY Before look :( if you had the dry before and after next to each other as you did with the wet everyone would appreciate it more.



  6. Hi Pup


    That is still some time away bud, Its either wait 5-10 years or enjoy my 30s with some hair before I start rocking the bruce wills on my 50s ++ hopefully lol.


    STRIP is just completely out the question for me personally even with some successful ones I have seen out there for sure.


    This is one Dr I will be keeping up to date with his teams work for a while and perhaps visit the UK department first and see how things go.

  7. If my HT looked as good as this I would be more then happy with the result. I dont know what people are expecting from this day of age, but so far with my research and opinion is FUE over FUT just because of a possible smiley face on the back of your head puts me off, but to have it as nice and clean as this and that much yield for my first operation, I would be very satisfied.


    Perhaps the patient requested a more dense packing on the hairline or it just looks like that due to the angle and his haircut leaving front longer then the sides and top who knows. never the less, with presentation and structure as someone mentioned who can complain?


    I guess you never please them all, just a friendly common sense tip... Nothing is 100%/Perfect. so everyone should do extensive long term research before taking the plunge with any DR for anything.

  8. Very Good work. I have been on this forum for months now and have been following a couple of doctors so far and I have narrowed it down to Dr Koray Erdogan. I had one other in mind but am certain this is the way I will be going.


    I will also do my best to keep people here updated from start to finish for a whole year + which is a commitment I have decided to make.


    What I like this time around that the patients hair was not wet on the pictures, not to me anyway, and has a dry look comparison so that means they must have started to listen to peoples pleads for a better comparison although I could see a difference either way, It does however help this way to have a more natural comparison.


    Keep up the good work as you will be hearing from me soon :)

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