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Posts posted by Sandy81

  1. Hi,


    I am a 32 yr male from India. I have been on this forum previously however then lost the link.


    I have been suffering from hair loss for last 10-12 yrs. I have been on minoxidil 5% for the past 6-7 yrs and apply it once daily. Recently I shifted to the foam. Also I have been on finistride 1 mg for couple of years now.


    I have been happy with the medications however my issue if the crown. I have a bald patch. I have tried everything from hair concealer to growing my hair to cover it however I am not happy with the results and effort.


    I have been planning to undergo transplantation however I have heard that it is not successful on the crown and I would not get the desired results. Also I was told that it is better to save the donor area for the progressive hair loss.


    I have attached some pics. The first 2 are without growing my hair and the last one is where I had grown my hair to cover the patch.


    Appreciate your inputs.






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