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Posts posted by venkz111

  1. Hello,


    I am at 4 weeks post op. My transplanted grafts are slowly falling off on top of shock loss.


    I have been trying to find answers to a few questions and I havent been able to get a clear answer. There is contradicting information of different portals.


    1. When can I color my hair? I intend to color my donor area and sides only, not the transplanted area as of now.


    2. Can I start using rogaine on my transplanted area? I use the foam.


    3. How does one deal with scalp dryness? My doc tells me not to use any oils for massaging and mentioned that I can use Aloe vera in the donor area. He says oils might stunt growth. Wasnt sure if this was accurate.



    Any advise on the above questions would be great.


    Will be posting a blog about my journey.

  2. Thank you for all your responses.


    I am not sure why my doc told me to take fin atleast for 3 months. am guessing to prevent r reduce shock Ioss.


    I havent seen any side effects so far.


    Will be posting my experience with pics in a different thread.


    As of now recovering, day 7 post op. No swelling, slight headache. Suture to be removed on day 13.



  3. 1978Matt,


    What about sexual side effects? Did you start with 1mg /week since HT?


    My doc currently wants me to take 1mg/day, havent had any noticeable side effects in the past 2 weeks but I like your idea of reducing dosage to 1mg/week, Will talk to my PCP about it.


    Also was just thinking about doing a hormone level study to understand how much testosterone i have when I take those dosages. I guess that way you could optimize what might work for you.



  4. Hey Guys,


    I finally took the leap and its my 3rd day post op, after a FUT HT for 4600 grafts.My head is all swollen but no pain.


    I have been cautious about post op care and am doing my best to keep my grafts safe.


    Prior to HT I was on rogaine and procerin (saw palmetto), with no side effects. My surgeon recommended me to start taking Finasteride for at least 3 months. Is that what you were suggested? Is rogaine and Finestaride the best combination to combat hair loss to maintain existing hair? Will Procerin not work?


    The doc also mentioned that he usually does recommend Finestaride to all his patients and lot of them take them and also a lot of them take saw palmetto. Noone seems to have a final verdict as the drug has varied effects on every patient.


    Being a biologist I did some research and looks like the side effects have only shown up in 5% of the patients. So I am wondering if you continue taking it or stop taking after a safe period?


    Let me know what your thoughts are.


    Excited to be a part of this group. Feel free to ask for advise.



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