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Posts posted by LookingforHelpWithThis

  1. Hi,


    I'm a 25 year old male. I noticed around 4 years ago or so my hairline beginning to recede. I always had a very high hairline, even as a child, but the hair began to take on the classic "U" shape of hairloss and I was noticing more and more hair in the drain of my tub....In April I started on Finastride 1mg. While I noticed a marked decrease in my body hair (I'm incredibly hairy), I still have a lot of shedding (When cleaning the drain, I'll have a clump full of hair - almost a handful - from one shower, although this could be because I have wavy hair). I did however notice some temple growth (my temples were almost gone before I started):


    My questions are:


    1) Based on my pix, what NW stage am I at?


    2) Will the shedding eventually stop/will the Finastride cease the balding and perhaps even allow for some regrow?


    First pic is me at 16 for reference (to illustrate I've always had a high hairline):



    These were taken today:







  2. But remember, losing a little hair is no biggie and actually makes most men look more distinguished and credible (especially in business) as time moves on...losing a LOT of hair is the problem we struggle with! Right now you are fine, and I agree a HT is not necessary. You have a low frontal hairline - you kind of look like John Mayer. That's a very good thing, especially if you can play the guitar and have a whispery voice...you are set for life with the ladies.


    Good luck!


    I just want to be able to grow my hair shoulder length or longer for a few years and not look silly or like I'm balding in the process. My dad has a high hairline, sort of, it varies from photo to photo. His father has a bizarre mix of a NW2 but with vertex loss--there's a big patch on the back of his head barely covered by hair. My mother's father was at WORST a NW1. Same hairline as when he was a kid. His brothers kept their hair to varying degrees.


    His father (mom's dad's dad) was bald--probably a NW4. My mom's mom's dad was also a NW4, and her great uncles were between 5 and 7s. I just worry I inherited very recessive genetics because I have an incredibly hairy body such as my back and shoulders.

  3. NW2.5 edging towards a 3 maybe. NW3 on some charts looks worse than on others.


    As you're in NY state I'd suggest going to see one of these doctors: Frank, Wesley, Bernstein, True & Dorin, Feller or Beehner.


    You don't need a transplant but it would be useful to get a microscopic evaluation and possibly start taking Propecia.


    But you wouldn't put me at a NW 3 just yet?

    Also, question, is it possible for, once hairloss has gotten started, for it to cease at say, NW 3 and not go to full baldness?

    It started about a year ago and I think in the last 6-8 months has gotten more aggressive.

    Also, why is it seemingly worse on one side than the other?


    Thanks for your reply!

  4. Honest opinion, what Norwood Stage am I at?

    I'm a 23 year old guy. Have noticed a recession for about a year now. The corners of the V have receded faster than the actual center of the hairline, and for some reason, the recession is sharper and deeper on one side more than the other:




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