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Posts posted by Thanks4TheHelp

  1. 3 hours ago, HairLossHero said:

    I would suggest finasteride if you’re not using it. 

    What is this? Where can I get it.


    im losing a lot more than 100 hairs a day. 

    my question I guess is, a 34 Y/O male, with not family history of MPB, no signs of MPB myself just starts losing all of his hair in a month period? My bald or balding friends say they have never experienced any type of hair shedding as I am.

  2. 2 hours ago, LaserCaps said:

    There are two types of loss. The type you can attest to and the type you can't see at all. What you do see in the sink, brush, shower stall, is normal.  The follicle gets tired of producing hair and goest into a dormant period, (resting phase) of 3-4 months.  The hair then resumes growing.  We refer to this as shedding. This will happen randomly to all the hair in your head and not all at the same time.  100 hairs a day is considered normal.  Hair loss is different, you don't see it.

    Have someone help you.  Take (sharp) photos of the crown.  Notice the caliber. Some thick and some much finer.  As the follicle atrophies, the hair becomes progressively thinner until it dissipates and disappears.  This is the miniaturization process.  Once gone, it will not return. 

    Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we refer to when dealing with this debilitating condition.  The mechanism of action of each is totally different and there's synergism when combined.  Talk to your dermatologist or a hair transplant specialist, research, and decide what's best for you.  The meds do take year to confirm what exactly they'll accomplish.  The majority retain.  Some enhance, and some just do not respond to the treatment.  Take photos and keep track of the progress.  A year later you can decide if the time, effort and expense are worth continuing.  

    Thank you for your response. So are you saying this could be MPB? I had a FULL head of hair a month ago

  3.   Over the last 3 weeks, I have been shedding hair like crazy. It started mid October. If I simply run my hand through my hair , I’m guaranteed to have 5-6 hairs on my hand every time. In the shower they come out even more. I went to a dermatologist on Friday (11/3). She said it wasn’t MPB, and gave me mometasone furoate to use twice a day.

      I’m gonna attach two pictures one from Sept 19th, and one from today. The difference is insane. The dermatologist told me that the amount I’m shedding is not in-line with typical MPB and may be from a vitamin deficiency. My dad has a full head of hair at 64, and my mothers dad had a full head of hair when he died at 70. I’m starting to get worried something is wrong. Thanks in advance!


    I also added two pictures of the result of combing my hand through my hair lightly.





  4. Thank you for the replies. I am not familiar with Fin. I joined this forum 9 years ago when I had a “scare” . Since then my hairline hasn’t moved an Inch… I’ll attach one more photo with better lighting. Here is the scary part to me. I got a haircut mid august, and I took a video and sent it to my girlfriend. My hair was full, and the crown/swirl was literally perfect. Now two months later and it looks like this. How could it go from “perfect” to this is 60 days? And I just noticed the shedding last Thursday.

    Edit- this summer I had a life change, job change etc. since this summer, I have lost almost 15 pounds, and for about a month straight was eating nothing but one ramen soup a day with literally no protein.

    also- can you fill me

    in a bit more about the fin treatment?


    thanks guys!


  5. Hello, I’m a 34 Y/O male. No family just of MPB. The last 5 days out of nowhere I have noticed shedding while in shower, hairs on my pillow etc. this is a picture of my crown today(please excuse the background lol) . Sometimes when I’m bored I’ll check my the crown of my head. Maybe 2 months ago I checked and it looked almost perfect. But today not so much. Any advice would be helpful. I also have this weird bump on my crown for quite a while now. Scheduled an appointment for a dermatologist next week. Never have I noticed shedding for over a day or two. Right now the shedding is really bad.


    thanks in advance



  6. For the last 8 days, while showering I have attempted to see how many hairs that im losing. With just normal shampooing i have yet to see a single hair in my hands. Even after a "harder" shampooing I have only counted 6 hairs in total in the 8 days.


    Today, I happen to notice a spot on my crown in which i hadn't seen prior.












  7. Hi, im 25 and recently started noticing my hairline has been receding. The only person in my family with any hair loss is my moms dad, who at 70 had a pretty decent amount of hair, really only a receded hairline. I went to a hair specialist, and was told i had nothing to worry about, and kind of hurried me out, but my hair is definitely doing something. Thanks for your thoughts.









  8. My premonition is that the doctor you met with was communicating that you don't need any HT work for now and I concur with that opinion as many others would as well. You have descent hair mass and coverage at present.


    I am surprised that he did not recommend that you start Propecia however. The picture of your crown again shows lots of hair volume but it also shows definite signs of diffusion. In fact, there is a very small bald spot beginning in the center of your whirl and can see tiny areas of scalp. This is because of the beginning visual signs of diffusion which will manifest into additional loss of hair unless you get pro-active with low dose finasteride. I can see it with the naked eye and if the doctor had done a microscopic examination of your crown, you would have seen it much clearer.


    Yes minoxidil can help that area as well but here's the main difference. Minoxidil will only thicken the area but it will do nothing to inhibit the DHT that is causing the hair loss. Only finasteride does that. Possibly he feels that you are too young to start finasteride but most docs IMHO would recommend that you start if you want to save your crown from further progressive loss. At age 25, you are at the prime point to start Propecia or some other form of low dose finasteride IMHO. You are in the very center of the baseline for the ongoing clinical trials for Propecia.


    Again, none of us can predict the future but my guess is that you will not completely lose your frontal zone because of your grandfather's photo. Part of his hairline receded but he did not lose everything in the frontal zone. In fact at age 64-65, he still had a lot of hair mass. And from what you stated, it does not sound like any of the men in your family history went completely bald right? That's a good thing.


    And yes, if it were me, I would get other opinions because again, the smartest thing you can do at present is to start with effective hair loss meds to save you from as much surgery as possible. MPB is progressive for a lifetime and is the nature of it. So your plan should be far more preventative at this point in time.


    IMHO, surgery should always be the last resort, not the first.



    Man, I can't thank you enough, seriously. I can't get anyone to take me seriously, since my hair is seemingly fine ATM. I believe you're right on the spot about the restoration doctor.


    I went and got a haircut yesterday, and asked my hairdresser what she thought. She admitted she didn't know a whole lot about MPB, but that my hair on top was not thinijg at the moment. I plan on scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist Monday. But I'm not sure what questions to ask, or what test should be run.


    Of the two medications mentioned, are they prescription only?


    Thank you so much for you help!


    Here is a photo after the haircut of the crown.


    imgur: the simple image sharer

  9. Bingo...my MPB is also from my mother's side and knew you would find it if you looked back further in your family history.


    Do you if your grandfather had loss in the crown? My premonition is that he did.


    Your crown does show signs of diffusion and will eventually break-up with additional loss. You have a great chance of preventing that if you consider getting on low dose finasteride because again, it's most effective in the crown and mid-scalp.


    Your grandfather still had a good head of hair in the photo, and hopefully you will too. But there is no way of accurately predicting the future.


    What we do know is that upon close observation of the scalp, a reputable HT doctor can tell exactly where DHT is impeding your scalp using microscopic examination; comparing hair shaft diameter and noting where there is miniaturization.


    And I am referring to the areas that still have plenty of hair. Just looking at your crown and temple points in the pics, it is obvious that you will progress further over the coming years unless you get on Propecia or some other form of low dose finasteride.


    I'm confused now! I went to a local hair restoration clinic yesterday, he said that I actually have a smaller forehead (4 inches from brows to hair line) . He said I've lost about an inch in my temple areas and that my hair on top/crown was very dense, he said he obviously wouldn't do a HT at this point, but if I WANTED to use rogaine, I could. And that there is no reason to start anything else. His only opinion was to take a picture now and a year from now.


    Should I go get a second opinion? Kind of worried with contradicting opinions.




  10. I asked my mom tonight for a picture of her father, apparently he had more "balding" than I remembered. Of his 6 brothers, only 1 is living and his hair is similar to my grandfathers. My mother told me a receeding hairline runs in her family, news to me, as my dad's family is quite the opposite. I've included a picture of my grandfather at the age of 64/66 years old.


    imgur: the simple image sharer


    Sorry for my ignorance, but is this what I can expect in the future? What are the chances mine results in more hair loss than my grandfather and his brothers?



  11. There's no baldness is my family history. I have never worried about balding, so I'm very very ignorant on the subject. I don't know for sure when it started, but I remember a little over a year ago that I noticed my hair line started out "higher" than most people I saw. I don't think twice about it , until today. When I just happened to stumble across a few pictures of guys with the same hair line as me, and they were all linked to hair loss sites. I'm 25 currently, my father who is 54 has a very similar hair line as me, his may be a little less pronounced. According to pictures I saw I'd assume I'm at a nw2. I'm posting this for others opinions and advice. I have never noticed hair falling out, and it seems to be only my temples.


    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer




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