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Posts posted by Sac

  1. All experienced folks, please give your suggestions.


    Is it O.K to get on Propecia without doctor consultation? I mean does that suit everyone? Any effects that might vary from person to person?


    My hair are very thin, though they are all around the head. According to what I have read on this forum and other places, Propecia will be quite helpful, especially if you are thinking of HT.

  2. Am I right to say that transplanted hair are permanent? That there are really less chances that transplanted hair will ever fall off? I am thinking this because transplanted hair are taken from the back of your head which is bald resistance area in most of the people.


    I do understand that native hair might be effected and fall off with age but I am just curious to know about the life of transplanted grafts.


    I apologize in advance if this topic has already been discussed on this forum, I could not find it.



  3. Okay, if you talk about 'Doll's hair' I do agree that hair dresser might have not seen good HT but how about the sides getting thin that he mentioned? He is right that once you are HT patient, you are left with a scar (even if you go to a world class doctor). So you can not ever shave you head or cut it with less than number 2-3. And ofcourse, eventually you will loose the transplanted hair as well at the later stage and you should be mentally prepared to leave hair on your back and sides to hide scar. Do I make sense?

  4. A quicky - I have started work-out almost daily. I want to get on to some protein supplements for muscle building but read somewhere that Whey proteins can lead to hair loss. I anyway have very thin hair and might go for HT in 5-6 months. Would you recommend taking protein supplements? If yes, what things I should be careful of while buying supplements(Any specific minerals to avoid or look for). Thanks

  5. totally agree, youngsuccess, Thanks. My issues are - I keep my hair very short, Zero clipper. I am 27. I cannt see my hair falling. So dont know if my hair loss is stable or not. Secondly, my hair are very thin, even at the back so I think they are weak. If I have to go for second surgery at some stage, not sure if I will have enough hair at the donor area or not. So wanted to have different views on this. I have at tached a picture.


  6. Friends - I read at several posts that people go for 2nd or 3rd surgery. Excuse me for this stupid question, but what is the probability that people do require second and in some case third surgery? Whats the reason, desire to have more hair on the head or generally people loose transplanted hair in 3-4 years after surgery and they have to go for HT to cover their scar..? Thanks again.

  7. Hi All - Here is my first post in this forum. I have been following this site from a month and finding it quite helpful in every aspect for HT. 'Much Respects' for the moderators. About me: Male, 27, MPB started hair loss when I was 22 and now my middle scalp in pretty much bald.

    My Basic Questions: Is it important to get on Propecia or any other medicine 3-4 months BEFORE surgey? I havent taken any hair loss medicine so far and considering HT in 5-6 months. Do you think one should get on to Propecia before surgery? I read this somewhere on this forum.

    If yes, are medicines (like propecia)same for everyone? Would you recommend to consult a doctor before getting onto Propecia? Or is it just like another 'Disprine for headache', too common and does not really require doctor consultation. Thanks to all.

  8. There are couple of guys who have gone through surgery with Dr Madhu and are happy with their results so far. Search on this forum and you can see the pictures as well. Even I am following up with Dr. Madhu's patients.


    Hair_Care: I checked your blog but could not find any recent pictures (recent was july-09). How are your results mate? do you mind posting new pictures?

  9. Hi All,


    I have been reading this forum from a quite a while now and I am planning to go for Ht in 6 months from India dr madhu. I am 27 and started loosing my hair in 22 - 23. I have few very common doubts that are still unclear:



    Scrars on the head: How visible the scars on the back of the head are after HT? Any other scars on head where hair are planted?


    Any swellings? I am thinking of taking 2 months off from work so that I dont look weird in office. If there is any swelling, do you think it gives a decent look with 2 months of HT?


    I know it is a very stupid to ask but according to your exp, whts the estimated time to expect any hair growth? Is it true that all the planted hair fall off ones and then re-grow? This has been mentioned on couple blogs that the planted folicules fall in 2-3 months and then re-grow in 6 months.



    Will really appreciate your comments/suggestions.



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