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Posts posted by ZeroMoustafa

  1. Something mikeyhwk said stuck with me - that too much anesthesia could cause this issue. I looked back over my notes from the day of the operation and saw I had 4-5 rounds of local anesthesia injected. Sorry, I know that's not a lot to go on, but does that sound typical or high?


    The other thing that concerned me was how long it took for the numbness around the donor area to go away. I felt significant numbness after 12 months, and even at 39 months out (today), my scalp still feels more numb than before. What potential factors could this prolonged numbness be attributed to? Is it a cause for worry beyond the shock loss issue?

  2. Thanks for your comments everyone. In situations like mine with less than satisfactory outcomes, fault can lie with the doctor, the patient or the patient's body/genetics. From what I can tell Dr. Lindsey did his job well, and where he could have done better but fell short, he was the first to tell me and express regret. My opinion of him is that he's honest and direct - good news or bad news, he'll give it to you straight. I could nit-pick over small things but as far as I can tell, nothing he did caused my problem. I also know that I did everything he asked me to do as far as taking care of my hair post-op, so that wasn't the cause either.


    That leaves my body/genetics. Maybe my hair is extremely intolerant of the stretching and trauma that comes with FUT. I did lose sensation at the back/top of my head much longer than most people and felt numbness well after the first year.


    Moving forward, I'm going to wait another month or two and see what can be accomplished with hair styling. If I'm still dissatisfied after that, I'll consider SMP and donor repair with beard/body hair.

  3. Sorry for the late update. I was reluctant to return to this thread (because no good news sadly), but given how much benefit I have derived from others sharing their experiences here, it's only fair that I contribute back, especially since people messaged me inquiring how things went.


    Dr. Lindsey and I had a lengthy discussion and went over my photos - pre-op, during-op and post-op at various stages (I checked in regularly). He was very surprised that there was in fact what appeared to be permanent donor-area shock loss. He said he had never seen it in his professional experience and suggested I see an endocrinologist just in case. I had a full physical (was due anyway) and then had extensive blood-work done with an endocrinologist. Everything came back normal and the endocrinologist also remarked that even if it had been a hormone issue, the effects would be dispersed and wouldn't only affect the area around the scar as in my case.


    Dr. Lindsey empathized with me in my situation and offered to do the platelet rich plasma treatment for half-price. I decided not to do it in large part because he assessed a low probability to it helping and who wants to pay money to get injected with needles if it's a shot in the dark? Dr. Lindsey said one other thing, which I really hope is true, which is that perhaps the hair in that area had gotten into a weird cycle where a lot of it shed at the same time. I have no proof of this being the case but that would be amazing!


    I'm checking periodically and nothing's changed so far. I'll of course update if anything does. In the meantime, I've started taking biotin and using a shampoo with Ketoconazole every few days.


    In the end, the thing that will probably help the most is finding a good hairdresser and sticking with him/her. I had one for years who had figured out how to disguise the situation in the back, but then she moved away, which is actually what precipitated this whole thing. I got a haircut from a new hairdresser who I didn't instruct sufficiently well on how to cut my hair.

  4. While I wasn't aware that diffused thinners are prone to permanent shock loss, based on my quite limited understanding, I think Mikey is right that it would probably depend on whether it is patterned or not. In my case, it was. I had thinning in the front mostly, but also all the way to the crown, a fairly typical male pattern. My donor area was not thinning. Here is a pre-op photo of the sides where I have the greatest shock loss. That being said, all my hair follicles are and have always been quite thin and density has also been less than great since age 20.


  5. Thanks Windjammer, both for the info and the supportive words. My scalp felt very tight after the operation. I was fearing this might mean a wide scar but thankfully that didn't materialize. I didn't have much pain and only took one Valium immediately post-op. Numbness was the biggest issue and I could definitely feel it even after a year. Now at 3 years out, I'd say 80-90% of feeling is back and tightness was 100% gone probably between 6-12 months. Thankfully the shock loss on left side is better, ~70% of the right (shown). Will post pre-op photos and keep you updated.


    In the meantime, I'd love to get other people's take on this. I was already on finasteride but never took Biotin. I'm going to start that now, even if it's a shot in the dark. I'm double-minded about the monoxidil because I don't have much spare hair in that area in case of a bad shed, and I also find it awkward to apply back there, at least in liquid form. I may have to try foam.

  6. I'm a 37yo male who had a FUT of 1,950 grafts 3 years ago when I was 34. Both my donor and recipient areas experienced shock loss but while the recipient site staged a decent recovery, the donor area never recovered despite the scar being thin. While I'm happy that my hairline has been fortified in front, the procedure has created a new problem at the back and especially the sides, making many hairstyles off limits to me.


    I'm looking for advice. What are my options at this point? Is there even the slightest chance this hair can be recovered? What about platelet rich plasma therapy, ACELL therapy or scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP)? Thanks in advance.


  7. Holy synergy Batman! (sweet analogy KO!)


    Thanks for your input guys! I never heard the synergistic/cumulative effect before. As I'm planning on using both together anyway, this is great news! However, everyone's body is different and if I have an adverse reaction to one and not the other, there will be no way to know which one is doing harm and which one is benefiting me if I introduce them simultaneously.


    I think what I'll do is start with Minox and add Fin 2-3 months later. I'm choosing to start with the Minox because that may also benefit my transplanted hairs (I'm one month post op), whereas the Fin won't do anything for them. Is this a sound game plan?

  8. Wow, thank you all for your feedback!


    Tsemusko.. I don't think I am currently diffusing. I don't see many hairs on my pillow or in my shower drain, and hair doesn't fall out during styling either. I think over 90% of my hairloss occurred during a brief period right after I turned 20. In other words, I've been essentially stable for well over a decade. That's one of the main reasons HT sounds like an attractive option to me right now.


    1978matt.. Same thing, I'm not losing hair currently (although looking at my mother's side of the family, it will happen at some point). I will keep in mind what you said about being conservative with density right now. I think I'm going to opt for 2,500 FUT with Dr. Lindsey in McLean, VA.


    Mickey85.. I suppose the surgeons didn't worry about this too much since I told them I wasn't currently losing hair. However I must admit I was shocked when I saw the top photo of my head. The thinning up there, while from some time ago, was worse than I thought, although my wife says it was also a bad photo and my hair was styled badly as well.


    FUE2014.. sound advice for sure. I've already decided to go ahead with the HT. It is scheduled for this week with Dr. Lindsey in McLean, VA. He was the one who came in at 2,500 grafts. In addition to his having the best reputation out of the surgeons I saw, looking around the forums, I didn't find anyone complaining of too much density and quite a few complaining of not enough density.

  9. My goal is to thicken my hairline up front. I've seen three surgeons and between them I've received a range from 1,300 to 2,500 grafts, which is a pretty big range! I don't know which number to trust.


    What number do you guys think will be enough to fortify my front hairline so no scalp shows?


    Many thanks in advance for your advice!



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