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Posts posted by ScottyM

  1. Has anyone heard of/used this doctor. I watched a video of him and he comes across very well?

    He is in the U.K. which I have read on other posts doesn’t have many great surgeons on par with the likes of Bisanga, Pekiner etc.

    Some of Dr Mittals work looks good.

  2. 8 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:


    If budget isn't an issue than look at dr munib ahmad who is producing excellent results consistently and he does all the steps himself.

    If budget is around 3 to 5 euros per graft than look at dr Ferreira ,dr couto ,dr de freitas ,dr pinto , dr heinicke , 

    I have never heard of him but I will give him a look thanks. What does he charge?

  3. 26 minutes ago, mister_25 said:

    Bisanga is a surgeon that made it to the top of my initial list, he seems like a straight shooter from what people have said in their consultations and I like his results on Lower Norwoods / Surgeries with lower graft counts. 

    No Opinion on Manish Mittal or Lupanzula. I have not read nearly enough cases to form a opinion worth anything

    I originally really liked Mwambas work when I was first discovering picks for surgeons, but over the past year in my opinion the quality of his work and the communication between patient/doctor/clinic have been unacceptably poor. I've seen no growth, poor growth, shady behavior and poor communication associated with his name as of the past year/

    Yeah I am seriously considering Bisanga but I have been hearing a lot that it’s mostly tech and Dr Kostis that doesn’t it now so I’m now really sure why his clinic is so expensive if he isn’t really Doing much hence it might not be as good a result.

    I am looking at Feriduni also who gets decent reviews.

    Not sure of anyone in the U.K. or Turkey as good as Bisanga or Feriduni

  4. 17 hours ago, mrmane85 said:

    Have you researched this forum and typed in each surgeons name? 

    There will be a lot of information on each surgeon so you can compare. 


    Yeah but Mittal is a new name to me so was wondering how good he was.

    Surgeon number 1  mentioned is quoting €6 per graft if Dr Kostis is not present which is a bit excessive in cost I have no idea why his prices are so high as opposed to before.

  5. Hi everyone looking for opinions on who is the best surgeon to go to for my first hair transplant.

    1. Bisangw

    2. Manish Mittal

    3. Mwamba

    4. Lupanzula

    i have been hearing of Dr Kostis doing Bisangaa work now which I am now unsure of as I haven’t heard nor seen work with him.

    Is Manish Mittal any good?



  6. Hi I'm new to the forum and need help. I've been using proscar for MPB for a number of years. I have been ordering from Dr Ashcroft whom I became aware of through Spex. I can seem to get hold of Dr Ashcroft does anyone know if he still provides the medication?

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