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Posts posted by Dog

  1. Great result. I know you've heard it before but I'd really consider finasteride. That's such a great result you should make it last as long as possible.


    Hi Spanker, not sure you've got the right person here. I've been on Finasteride for a few years now and have started Rogaine since the procedure.

  2. Thanks everyone. I don't get on here much anymore, so apologies for the lack of responses. I'm exactly 13 months to the day since I had the procedure and time has absolutely flown. I've let my hair grow out quite a bit and it is very curly and thick in the recipient area now so it provides great coverage at the front. I'll try to post some pics this week.

  3. Thanks guys.


    It was a big step for me to do it but the best decision I've ever made. I think the results are amazing, as do those who I have told about my procedure. My mother-in-law called it a miracle! Haha. After about 3/4 months it was almost unnoticeable and then from 6 months I was able to style my hair in ways I'd not been able to for 10 years. The past few months has just been a thickening up process.


    As I said, I'm happy to pass on anything I can to those who may be considering a similar procedure.

  4. So, I haven't posted for ages (31 August 2014 to be precise) but here I am at 9 months and I could not be happier. I will post pics in the next day or so if anyone is interested. If not, I'll just keep loving life with my new head of hair. Let me know and I'll take the time to get photos taken and uploaded.

  5. Ben,


    Don't get it done in Oz mate, the surgeons aren't on the same level as those overseas and it's very important to get it done properly - it's your head!


    I'm from Melbourne and flew to India to have approx 2500 grafts with Dr Bhatti in Chandigarh on July 2. I would highly recommend you do the same. All up it cost me under $5,000, which is a lot cheaper than you will pay for other high class surgeons. I spent 2 nights in India (one before, one after) then flew home again.


    PM me if you want to chat. You can give me a call if ya like. Happy to help.

  6. So, I'm at the 2 month mark and am really happy. I'm still a bit red through the recipient area, but am also experiencing a lot of growth. I managed to retain about 20% of the transplanted hairs and have noticed over the past few weeks that 30-40% of the new hairs are starting to poke through out of their slits. My hair has always grown really quickly so I reckon I'll be in a great position come month 4 (early November), hopefully!


    Will post photos in the next few days.

  7. VictoriaMan, I'm with Seth. I too travelled to India to see Dr Bhatti and am almost 7 weeks post procedure. I'm from Melbourne and would highly recommend you follow our lead. Dr Bhatti is great. Happy to chat to you over the phone if you have queries or questions. PM me if interested.

  8. Yeah I'm ok. Just went 4 weeks yesterday and am back at work in another week and a half, so I doubt my redness will have disappeared by then. Oh well, just have to take the plunge and return to the office and see what everyone says.


    About 60% of my implanted hair has gone now, but it looks like quite a few new ones are poking out which is good.

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