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Posts posted by djangountrained

  1. Your hair loss pattern looks similar to how mine was at my worst.

    The meds certainly helped me and I would suggest you try Minox. Since you're young, I have a feeling that Minox would help quite a bit for a few years. Its too bad the Finasteride gave you untolerable effects, because the 2 together is a strong combo.


    I did all 3 (minox, finasteride and HT) and what followed was a "perfect storm" of results.. but I was about 30 y/o at the time... I think you should take it slow, and don't do HT yet.. eventually if you decide to do HT, don't skimp out, pay for a quality surgeon so he can "create the illusion of fullness" with amount of donors that you do have.


    Thanks! I think I'll speak with a professional and see what their opinion is on me using Minoxidil. It's a shame I can't use Finasteride as well.

    Glad to see you had such good results too, real happy for you.

  2. I was told to attempt to slow my hair loss via medication, and with success go for a transplant. Without success my other options were PRP and more medication, and then a transplant. There behaviour/responses to my enquiries lead me to believe that their interest weren't quite the same as mine.

    It's nice to talk to someone who understands the topic, I feel like I can learn from this.

    I'm under the impression that at this point I would be able to have a transplant now, and at a later date when the rest of my hair goes AWOL I could do a second transplant and call it a day. I'd greatly appreciate any advice or knowledge on this concept!

  3. Understandable response! I apologise for the late reply. I've already had consultations here in Australia where I live, from about 19 I tried hair therapy to slow down my hair loss. While it did slow down the hair loss, I experienced side effects from the medication and I chose to discontinue my use. The other options I was provided didn't help.

    I've attached a single picture; if you'd like a more specific angle or lighting let me know and I'll gladly oblige. Thank you!


  4. As I said in the title; I began my hair loss at the age of 16. I'm 21 now and have experienced manipulation from an Australian hair clinic who essentially gave me a run for my money.

    My next step is to go through with an actual transplant - I've worked in a job I hate for the past year just to save up for this so I don't want to mess it up.

    I don't have an impressive budget, but I'm looking at going overseas and getting the transplant done; maybe get some travel experience while I'm there. Please; PLEASE help me find an appropriate surgeon!! I'm very interested in Sweden/Finland/Norway/Denmark, so if you know of any respectable surgeons in that area; please share.

    Thank you all in advance for any help you can give me.

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