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Posts posted by iegoldfeld

  1. I'm on day 12 and I totally agree. I started to feel a difference on day 9 and it has gotten better each day since then. I would say I'm almost 100% pain free. Really good info for people to know that have this situation as it can be very concerning when you're in the middle of it. Seems like from all the info I have seen and my own experience, this goes away within a couple weeks.

  2. Understand your point and I will certianly give it some serious thought. I haven't seen any other members provide their HT Doctor name when they have complained of this issue, but I can understand that people would be interested to know. My doctor is a very experienced FUE specialist and although I suppose it could be associated with something he did specifically, based on what I've seen, I think it is more about the patient versus the doctor with this particular situation. I don't want to be unfair to him either If that is the case. I would like to see how my condition progresses over the next week or so and provide updates. I will give serious consideration to providing the doctors name.

  3. I just posted about myself experience. I'm having the exact same issue with pain in the donor area. I am 6 days post-op and the pain began at 4 days post-op. Thanks for your post. I have been taking Advil and the cold compress on the back of my head has really helped a lot. I'm encouraged from all I have read also that this should subside in the first couple weeks. Good lick to you and keep me updated on how you're feeling.

  4. I had my first FUE procedure 7 days ago and I started to experience pain in the donor area at 4 days post-op. Burning, stinging and itching feeling...not horrible pain during the day, but certainly uncomfortable. The pain got worse at night and is making it difficult to sleep. After reading some strings on this topic, which have been posted over the past few years, athough it doesn't seem all that common, it looks like I'm not alone in having this situation.


    From everything I'm reading, this is due to the nerves in the donor area and should begin to subside over the next couple weeks. I have read a few that may have taken a bit longer, but in those situations, it seems that their pain, although not gone completely, had improved significantly.


    Just wanted to see if anyone else has had this situation recently and how long it took before the pain started to improve in the donor area.


    Great to have this forum by the way...before reading the posts, I was getting very concerned about the pain and my imagination was starting to run wild.

  5. I just had my first HT 7 days ago and I am experiencing the same pain in the donor area as described by everyone else. I had ~2,600 FUE and was feeling good until day 4 post-op when the donor pain began. Not terrible during the day, but it is a combination of burning, stinging and itching. It is more painful at night (just signed up on this site and writing this at 3:30am because I can't sleep). I have to say that I was worried about a serious complication when this started and although it doesn't seem that this is all that common, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has experienced this issue. Overall, I was very satisfied with my procedure, the doctor I selected and his staff. Too bad I have this bump in the road, but hopefully it will resolve itself as it has with the others who have posted.


    I have to say that it is nice to have a place to get support and encouragement from others in this brotherhood! I will update my condition as hopefully I will continue to to improve and it will make others more at ease if they go through the same situation.

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