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Posts posted by ifanyonecan

  1. 10 month update. I actually studied my hairline this evening, and all I can say is WOW. The maturing has really made a huge difference, and although the month over month difference has been negligible since month 7, I think it has really come into its own and there is a huge improvement if I look back at the 7 month pics. Although the cosmetic difference was the biggest from month 4 to 7, the maturing from 7 to 10 really does make a big cosmetic difference.


    Will post pics again at month 12



    Looks Great Mav!!! Congrats

  2. Looks far better and you're only 7 months in. I think styling is key. the hair combed straight forward or straight back isn't the best style for thinning hair as it exposes clear lines in the scalp. Combed a little to the side will give you that layered effect and i think it will aid you and give you that "illusion of density" which most of us with hair transplants depend upon. Hope that helps a little and best of luck.

  3. Hi All,


    So just hit the 5 month mark yesterday and something great is happening up there - oh boy, oh BOY, OH BOY - is she in trouble tonight!!!! - OH BOY. I tell you this, it's looking real good


    Still early stages and much more still to come, but if this continues, I am going to be one happy fella.


    Some change buddy. Must've knocked 10 years off you. Really does look good! Delighted for you!

  4. Oh geeze, I should have checked with her, I held off until the 3 month mark because it wasn't in the instructions. I definitely would have applied it sooner if I knew. Actually just found out that Kamila has moved on, it's a real shame as she was very good.


    Ya it's not in the instructions and i didn't use it myself until she suggested it, after i mentioned being red at the one month mark. Ya she was very good. Janice is her replacement for now and seems fine although i haven't had many dealings with her so far.

  5. Applying Aloe Vero gel helps big time with the redness. It's not in Dr Rahal's post-op instructions, so I only started applying it a few weeks ago and it helped big time.

    Ya i started using Aloe at the one month mark, Kamila from the office actually recommended that i do that. It has helped a little. My skin is fair so i know that lengthens the recovery time also.

  6. Okay, I am now exactly at the 3 month and approx 21 days post op point, and am now exactly back to where I was immediately pre-op. It definitely took a lot of time and patience, and I will admit that there were moments where I wondered if I had royally screwed up and just made things worse by getting the 2nd procedure, but now I can breathe a sigh of relief. I also see a hive of activity with the transplanted hairs breaking the surface, so only good times lie ahead. Will post pictures at the 4.5 month mark.

    Good stuff Mav. Glad to hear you are seeing activity. Im still very red at the 9 week mark but i had a lot of grafts in a small area so it was to be expected. Looking forward to see the change at the 4.5 month mark! Let the good times roll!

  7. Ya that's the very one mate it will give a light hold and is gud for the hair. As for the shampoos they are a little expensive but I still have plenty left in my bottles after 6 months coz I use a small amount each wash. Here's the two I use hair loss prevention shampoo - Hair loss prevention Line - Tricology | Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories

    hygienising shampoo - Extra care Line - Tricology | Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories

    Cheers mate. I appreciate it. Im about 2 months post op and have been using the pura d'or shampoo, it seems to be good from the reviews but i wanted to add another shampoo to the regime. I'll be getting some pics and stuff up soon. Not much action as of now. One last question and i won't bother you anymore in regards to the shea butter for styling do you just put that in dry, style and leave it?

  8. Cheers mate. I use CR LAB product shampoos recommended by my surgeon. They are Italian products. Cesare Ragazzi Labratories shampoos. A hair loss prevention one and a cleansing of scalp one. I'm not sure what factor they have played but they don't seem to hurt ha. Also one of the guys on here escrec put me onto a leave in conditioner called shea moisture - raw shea butter restorative conditioner which I use to style my hair as it's very light

    Thanks mate. I'm in the US do you buy those online?

    Is this the shea butter? http://www.ulta.com/ulta/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=xlsImpprod6390369

  9. My 2-month update.


    A few stubbles growing in, other then that not a whole lot new to report.

    I also had a bit diffuse thinning in my forelock, but its growing back quickly and I wouldnt call it shock loss because its so insignificant.


    Most of the red is gone, and I've also grown a lot of pimples (which you cant really see in the pic).

    I've been told pimples are a good thing, and could signify new growth





    Looks good Dutchie. Im around the same time line as yourself but i'm still very red and plenty of pimples.

  10. Thanks buddy, how is your recovery coming along?


    All is coming along well i guess concidering i'm in the ugly duckling phase. I'm still pretty red but it's slowly but surely easing up. i think another month and i'll be able to do things without having to wear a hat. I'll get a thread started soon with some photos etc.

  11. You'll need to "assist" the hairs. Don't be fooled into thinking its meant to stay just because it's holding on tight. By no means should you scrub and pick at it, but vigorous shampooing is absolutely recommended with the pads of your fingers. I still had hair sticking around at 6 weeks-a little more liberal with the shampooing and the majority fell. It's normal, don't try and prevent the inevitable from happening.


    Gents i just used a cotton ball with some aloe/witch hazel solution and gave the area a good rub and a bunch of the hairs came off. Thanks for the advice esrec!! Lets hope the follicle is in good shape underneath! :)

  12. I'm ready to take the plunge at 33, and have been a long time spectator on this site. My initial go to was Dr. Rahal. However, I'm starting to like Dr. Diep's hairline design technique, but I love that Dr. Konior is careful and very thorough about his work.


    I need 1,000 grafts on each side of my recession. I'm only doing FUE.


    What is everyone's opinion of these three doctors?




    In regards to hairlines it's hard to look anywhere else other than the "Hairline King". I am 5 weeks post op and i had FUT but the overall experience with the clinic so far has been top notch! I think you are in good hands with any of the 3 surgeons mentioned but based on my experience my vote would be for Rahal.

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